Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I feel like I've sold so many chickens lately, plus I sent some to butcher today. I still have about 40. I have 6 roosters that will be butchered in the future. So to get down to the 25 max that I want, I need to sell more hens! Like 9 or 10. I can think of 4 that I would part with if I had to, but the other 6? This is difficult.
I feel like I've sold so many chickens lately, plus I sent some to butcher today. I still have about 40. I have 6 roosters that will be butchered in the future. So to get down to the 25 max that I want, I need to sell more hens! Like 9 or 10. I can think of 4 that I would part with if I had to, but the other 6? This is difficult.

I cna not imagine what it will be like to sell some next year if we breed them. I want to keep every one!! What kinds are you selling?
I like a buckskin colored horse. Don't know why. Come to think of it I like buff Orpingtons and my yellow Lab and my Morris looking Tabby cat. Hmmmmmm? Coincidence? I think not.

Deli - You need some old furniture in the yard for the trailer look to be complete. Like an old couch in the yard and a recliner on the front porch.

Can anyone help Viki out with these items?

I have a broken half-size freezer that Deli can put in her yard all knocked over so it can rust!

Baby chicks are growing nicely. Colton-are your light sussex white or buff? The once yellow bird had wings that were looking white, but now a darker yellow. Depending on how dark they get will depend on what it is. The maran is doing fine also. The yellow one has tail feathers sticking up already, but I'm still not seeing comb bumps (but then again I can't get close enough to them.

The grass has frost on it this morning and it was crunching under my shoes. I am not ready for this.
You got frost by YOU??? IT was 50 here this morning! WTH?

Between my yearling and two mini donkeys, which probably equal to a full size horse, we give them 1-1.5 bales of hay a day in the winter, which we pay $3 a bale, and we go through a bag of grain in around 2 weeks. Last winter we went through 117 bales of hay, so we ended up spending around $350 for the whole winter.
I think this is on the low end...as others have said you have vet care, hoof care, supplements, tack, housing, fencing trailer and trips to the emergency room when you do something stupid! Our Farrier charges $35 a trim, $55 with front shoes. He comes every 6 weeks in summer and every 9 in winter. Grain is $14/50 pounds at our mill. Hay $3.50 to $6 per bale. Spring shots for 5 was around $600. We get in on a deal with other 4Hers and the vet comes and does us all on one day in spring. I just have him do the shots cause he has to do Coggins and Rabies anyhow and only charges a few bucks more. They get vaccinated for eastern and western Encephalitis, EVH type 1 and type 2, Potomac horse fever, west Nile and rabies.
A wise person once advised; spend as much money as you can possibly afford on a good horse because it is the cheapest part about buying one. A good one costs as much to keep as a headache! Never have truer words been spoken....(I love my horses...mostly)

I like a buckskin colored horse. Don't know why. Come to think of it I like buff Orpingtons and my yellow Lab and my Morris looking Tabby cat. Hmmmmmm? Coincidence? I think not.

Deli - You need some old furniture in the yard for the trailer look to be complete. Like an old couch in the yard and a recliner on the front porch.

Can anyone help Viki out with these items?

It might be just like my affliction with black and white JJ! We had an old couch in the driveway for years...untill it finally rotted away! LOL!

interesting, up here that would be called a tree stand and decoy
Funny guy!

Heading to bed! Nighties--TerriO
No hawks today. The glitter and flapping might be working.
CS... congrats on the chickies.... so how many of Coltons eggs hatched ??

Cuties, your kids are so cute.... yes they need a horsey... black horses are so pretty !!! We'll find you one !!!! Promise !!!! LOL

SClark.... your horses are georgeous !!! Seems like hay prices around here have come down compared to last years. We just looked at some more from one of our egg customers for $3 a bale. It's stored under a lean too an some of the edges are dark but the stuff underneath look good. He actually gave us two bales to try. AND paid me the $6 for eggs. He only has a couple hundred bales to sell though. We pay $3.30 from the other guy which is about 35 miles away.
I was paying $1.75 last year but that guy is 60 miles away.... and he never called me back this year !!!! His wasn't as good as the stuff we're getting now though.

Wish I could find some closer. Our truck is getting old. I still need to have the brakes looked at. The day after we spent $250 on the new idler arm on the driver front side the brakes are grinding like no bodies business. I called the guy today and he said they would have looked at the brakes and told us if there was a problem and apologized for not spotting it and offered to look at them for no charge..... well, hello it's another 35 mile drive to get there with grinding brakes.
It may well be a coincidence but .......shaking my head here.... wouldn't you think we would have heard them before?????? Our neighbor said that they had to take the wheels off so maybe the rotor is rusty and rubbing now???? Something like that... But geeze how in the H3ll much is that going to cost. I still need to get the wheel bearings put on the van to the tune of $245 !!!!

Went out to collect eggs today and stepped on a nail sticking out of a board..... in my real foot !!! It went through my boot. OUCH !!! Didn't hurt until tonight. Took a look at it and I don't where it went in but I sure can feel it. Good thing I got my tetanus shot...

SClark, I agree with you about the shots. Even with dogs now they really aren't pushing them to be done every year..... ok well the honest vets that aren't out for ALL of your money.
BUT that being said before we moved up here one of the horses at the barn that we boarded my Queen and Striker at came up with some really weird symptoms. The welsh ponly (expensive) was owned by a veterinarian. She was out of town but the barn owner called the horse vet and it was suspected either rabies or West Nile. It could hardly walk. Turns out it was West Nile Virus. The pony had to be put down.
Then my farrier told me he had brought a young horse home and within a few months it died. Turns out it was (for the life of me can't remember now) from one of the diseases that mosquitoes carry. He thinks the horse brought it with. Both of these horses came from areas in WI that have REAL bad mosquitoes..... Anyway, we have our fair share so I do try to vaccinate. The farrier now makes sure his horses are vaccinated against the diseases the mosquitoes carry.
What I think is a good plan of action (again like SClark said... my personal preference) is to have them vaccinated for the most common diseases. Then a booster as recommended. The following year a booster then maybe skip a year or two. BUT I always make sure they get their tetnus, and the mosquito ones.
My horses don't leave my property so I really don't have to worry.... but we do follow Murphys law around here sometimes.

I watch for the sales online an most of the time order when they are the cheapest I can find because I have to order for 13. So one horse to vaccinate by yourself would be really cheap.... Plus if you get to know horse people you can always go in on the order with them.

If you deworm them every two months @ $3.00 for ivermectin and twice yearly with Equamax (does tapeworms spring and fall)$20 + $12= $34 maybe even cheaper !!!

So even at $5.00 a bale (at least 40lb bale) one per day that's only $150 a month..... not bad for what they give in return.
I pay $25 for trims.... I have a wonderful farrier.... and I have big horses and donkeys.... some farrier won't touch either.

But then again I have 13 animals he does so he now does them in two trips. And I give him a nice tip.... Cheaper to do that then for him to raise the price per horse !!!

Yes Cutie. You need a horse or two...... maybe a horse and a mini donkey for a pasture mate !!! LOL
Hi everyone. Lots new here for me. We had a single chick hatch on Saturday. I went in to check on the girls and there was a little yellow chick running around. I had three hens sitting on eggs for awhile but never paid much attention to how long. I don't know who hatched it but one of my barred rocks and one if the bsl were both taking care if it. I grabbed the br and the chick and put them in the brooder. I felt bad because the sex link was clucking around looking for it. I still have one sitting on eggs so I will wait
And see what happens. I also have a young hen sitting on five duck eggs! If they hatch will she take care of them? I think that would be so cute. Pretty excited about that. I don't know if the pekins are laying or the runners. I doubt if it would be from my rouen who was hit by the car but I an hoping. My wild ameraucana who was sitting on eggs isnt anymore. I went to check and all the eggs are gone. I found a.few pieces of shell nearby and one egg afew feet away that had been pecked and empty. Do you think she ate them all? She is still around somewhere.... The garden is still going strong. I canned some spaghetti sauce today. More tomatoes to do tomorrow. I also did some sweet sour red cabbage a few days ago that turned out great! Hope you are all well. Goodnight!
Judge, congrats on the new chick. I would think the hen would take care of the ducklings. Sure would be cute. We will need pictures! Safer then the other way around. You wouldn't want a duck taking chicks for a swim !!! LOL

Oh and BBP your mare and filly are gorgeous. Is that the mare you have for sale or different one?

I got a call today from a man that lives in Wautoma. He was inquiring about my neighbors horses. I told them they were not broke and wouldn't be good for a beginner. He has one horse and is looking for another. He has 6 kids. High school down to 5th grade. They are all beginners so I told him I would keep my eyes peeled for a good family horse. BBP is your's still for sale and if so can you tell me more about her?
So if anyone else knows of a beginner safe horse for sale let me know. He seemed like such a nice young man. I would hate to see him end up with some wild thing that could hurt his kids or sour them against horses just because they got the wrong one.

I'm starting to nod off here....wow and it's only 2;24am

Sorry if I missed anyone.... I tried real hard to remember what I read today.... Oh what is a gravity box ?
Oh, CS sorry about your chicken loss :(
All that talk about hill billy trailer trash made me think of the Landlord association I belonged to years ago. One of their rules was 'No inside furniture outside' LOL I have the opposite problem. I bring all kinds of outside stuff inside. Saddles, chickens ... you name it !!! LOL

Night all !!

UNK !!
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