Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Yep, cold, rainy and windy here outside of Crivitz.

I'm 9 months into my first flock and thus far things have gone fairly well....if we exclude my two favorite hens killed by a possum and a Frizzle I nursed back to health that fell off the roost and broke her neck. The possum got in my chicken fortress/palace during the day when the girls free range. But I have happy and healthy chickens, they come when I call, give me eggs and make me smile.

Now I have my first meat flock. I purchased 30 day olds (Sunnyside) and began a new chapter. But no names and limited eye contact. I mistakenly figured that mid-April was a fine time to begin this adventure but nature felt otherwise, so for the first week they lived in a wading pool set on sawhorses (anti-cat devices) in the "sewing room". Nothing ever gets sewn in there but she likes the name. But between jumping, flying and smells I had to get them out in the new coop. I added another heat lamp and so far, 8 days later, they are all alive and thriving. In the morning they come running to the door, they have figured out I am the Great Giver Of Food.

18 months ago I moved from the suburbs of Philadelphia to the woods of Marinette. I planned on a small flock before we moved and today I have them. I studied and learned from this site, people I meet and the Crivitz Feed Mill. I'm proud of my endeavor, the coop is always clean, food and water is always fresh and the birds seem to trust me....they don't run away. I just wanted "country fresh eggs" but discovered chckens are much more than I expected. Now their pets. A hobby. A very pleseant surprise!

I have to restrain myself from "collecting" chickens. So many varieties, so many beautiful birds...I want more. But I refrain from causing living conditions to suffer because of impulsive...or even selfish I suppose....desires to increase my flock to include those prizes. Right now 6 birds share about 100sf with 3 nesting boxes and a 6sf flat roost. Using an old kitchen cabinet I made almost a playground for them with ramps to three different levels and a hinged "door" that swings up out of the way for cleaning purposes. On days like today when I leave them inside.....which includes a run bigger than the coop for out but not "out"....it gives them space and some distraction. I toss sunflower seeds with cracked corn around so they can go with the nature of chickens searching out treats. Under a ramp is a fine dust bath spot.

Anyway, I am a happy chicken servant.
Yep, cold, rainy and windy here outside of Crivitz.

I'm 9 months into my first flock and thus far things have gone fairly well....if we exclude my two favorite hens killed by a possum and a Frizzle I nursed back to health that fell off the roost and broke her neck. The possum got in my chicken fortress/palace during the day when the girls free range. But I have happy and healthy chickens, they come when I call, give me eggs and make me smile.

Now I have my first meat flock. I purchased 30 day olds (Sunnyside) and began a new chapter. But no names and limited eye contact. I mistakenly figured that mid-April was a fine time to begin this adventure but nature felt otherwise, so for the first week they lived in a wading pool set on sawhorses (anti-cat devices) in the "sewing room". Nothing ever gets sewn in there but she likes the name. But between jumping, flying and smells I had to get them out in the new coop. I added another heat lamp and so far, 8 days later, they are all alive and thriving. In the morning they come running to the door, they have figured out I am the Great Giver Of Food.

18 months ago I moved from the suburbs of Philadelphia to the woods of Marinette. I planned on a small flock before we moved and today I have them. I studied and learned from this site, people I meet and the Crivitz Feed Mill. I'm proud of my endeavor, the coop is always clean, food and water is always fresh and the birds seem to trust me....they don't run away. I just wanted "country fresh eggs" but discovered chckens are much more than I expected. Now their pets. A hobby. A very pleseant surprise!

I have to restrain myself from "collecting" chickens. So many varieties, so many beautiful birds...I want more. But I refrain from causing living conditions to suffer because of impulsive...or even selfish I suppose....desires to increase my flock to include those prizes. Right now 6 birds share about 100sf with 3 nesting boxes and a 6sf flat roost. Using an old kitchen cabinet I made almost a playground for them with ramps to three different levels and a hinged "door" that swings up out of the way for cleaning purposes. On days like today when I leave them inside.....which includes a run bigger than the coop for out but not "out"....it gives them space and some distraction. I toss sunflower seeds with cracked corn around so they can go with the nature of chickens searching out treats. Under a ramp is a fine dust bath spot.

Anyway, I am a happy chicken servant.

Welcome to WI and the "cheese heads" there is a great poultry club in your area, hopefully GinaN will read this and provide a contact for you,,,in case you want more local contact

enjoy and good luck!
for all our newest members!!!

Here is the link to the annual get-together we have for the state of WI. It is a very good time, kids are welcome, and details are in the thread or just ask.


Yucky cold, wet day...... but on the plus side I have an interview next week. So not all bad.......

And yes CS, the garden is STILL full of sod.
Chilly Afternoon All.... sounds like you are off to a great start Er. If the flock has to be locked up during the brutal cold winter, they enjoy the extra space. 10sq ft per bird works really well...so...sounds like you have room for 4 more..LOL!

Might want to wait to trim the Oak now Jim, due to Oak wilt...maybe wait til after Oct 1st now...best to trim them before April 1st....here is a link...scroll down to management and they warn about trimming now. Shawano County was really hit hard by this. Just a heads up.....

Just received a letter from the APA...they now recognize the white marans and have entered them to the SOP...just in case anyone was interested. Any new breeds being added won't be for another 3 months or so...just sayin.

Took my Mom out for lunch today. It woulda been her 64th wedding anniversary...Dad passed years ago, but it's of course still a special day.

Sure wish we could reach normal temps sometime soon....that would really be nice for a change.

Hello from northern WI! My husband and I recently bought a farm and are very excited to begin the adventure we've been dreaming about for years. Our first chicks come in two weeks
We have a garden planned out but with the crumby weather we haven't been able to start digging it out. I read back several pages and look forward to chatting with you all!
Feeling TERRIBLE! I had a call ducking hatch yesterday and had some laced brahmas that were due to hatch today. They haven't hatched and the ducking was really crying out in lonliness. So I put him under a broody hen. I checked a couple of times to make sure they were taking to eachother. I just went out again and he wasn't under her! I found him dead in my run. :( omg, I am going to cry. What a stupid idea. Never again. We had pheasant chicks come in at work today. I should have just bought 2 of them to put in with the duck for now.
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Hello from northern WI! My husband and I recently bought a farm and are very excited to begin the adventure we've been dreaming about for years. Our first chicks come in two weeks
We have a garden planned out but with the crumby weather we haven't been able to start digging it out. I read back several pages and look forward to chatting with you all!

HI welcome happy to see you you will love it here..

Northern Wisc ? you can raise snow peas and ice berg lettuce..
Hey everyone...hope everyone is not too soggy these days.
We got our bees in on Saturday but not sure how they are doing. Went out there tonight and the sugar water is still pretty full so not going to open it further. Dont want to tick them off. Hoping they are ok.
Right now we are just worried about the dog. With how many dog lovers are on this board...anyone have ACL surgery on their dog?

Andrew was out running with Packer the dog last week and thought he stepped on dog paw when he let out a yelp and started limping. we thought broken toe or something... Would not put pressure on it the rest of wednesday and thursday. Friday he was tippy toe and I took him to the vet. Vet could not get a reaction on toe so decided it was hip or ACL. took xrays of hip and nothing. Said the tip toe walk is ACL damage since it does not show up in xray...He gave us some anti- inflamatory meds for Packer and told him to rest. Yeah with two seven year olds in the house... rest!
So we are keeping him as quiet as we can, but he is acting normal, wants to go for walks, play ball etc and we are just telling him no. Still limping, but little better, but alot of tippy toe. ACL surgery is really expensive, but if we ignore or wait too long, they say arthritis is something to worry about with a few years...this is an almost 2 year old dog... Any thoughts?

trying to get a friend who is a vet tech to come and visit him. sigh.
Feeling TERRIBLE! I had a call ducking hatch yesterday and had some laced brahmas that were due to hatch today. They haven't hatched and the ducking was really crying out in lonliness. So I put him under a broody hen. I checked a couple of times to make sure they were taking to eachother. I just went out again and he wasn't under her! I found him dead in my run.
omg, I am going to cry. What a stupid idea. Never again. We had pheasant chicks come in at work today. I should have just bought 2 of them to put in with the duck for now.
good idea,, just went a little south on you.. that duck prolly just didn't know enough to stay put.. they do that sometimes..
don't beat yourself up about it..

I just got a call from one of my girl friends.. she is coming with another batch of eggs for me to hatch.. can anybody say, "double decker trays "?

got 6 more guinea eggs today.. 4 from the chicken coop, so that confirms that we have 8 guinea hens.. now I have 13 to set.. enough for another batch..

I found a bator fan out in the garage for Marlene's bator.. I just had to clean it up and oil the heII out of it.. It spins again..

FYI,, If your fan ever quits in your bator, it is just prolly in need of a good oiling.. those motors are so simple , they hardly ever wear out ..

do not use WD40 as a lubricant on them,, It is meant for drying out and loosening things.. just use 3 in 1 oil.. even on the larger electric motors,

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