Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

Happy Hatching to those doing it!

That was a cute video! I think most of us know chickens are smarter than most people think!

A little freaky about 1a.m. Looked out and the coop door was open. When I went to close it (before I got to it) I noticed the roos were crowing. Looked around and everyone and everything looked fine. Weird.

We got a good downpour of hail and some strong winds in that storm. No damage here but Bohners Lake area got hit bad enough to make the news.

That's it... Night All!
I guess I wasn't clear on my hatch rate. On my own eggs, and local eggs from friends/neighbors, my hatch rate has been around 50%. I do not count clears as I feel they never had a chance...So if I set 40 eggs and find 10 were infertile I would typically hatch around 15 chicks. Last year I got one shipment of 12 eggs and one shipment of 6 eggs...they were in poor shape on arrival and my hatch rate on those was 0%.
After talking to a local breeder who said her hatch rate on shipped eggs was anywhere from 0-100% I decided to try it again this year. I got 27 from one breeder that arrived in almost perfect condition, well boxed, clean, no detached air cells. I let them rest for I think 17 hours before setting. Yesterday I got another shipment from a different breeder...poorly boxed with the eggs upside down, but only one detached air cell that I could see. Most of the eggs are so porous that I can't really tell if there are more. Some of the eggs don't have complete shells (thin spots) and all of them are filthy...mud, poo and dried yolk covering them. They rested 12 hours before setting and I propped the one with the detached air cell in a corner of the bator so it's not in the turner. In both of these incubators I filled in with my own eggs so they are full. I did not clean the dirty eggs...Is this OK?? Do you clean dirty eggs or set them as they are?

You said " I do not use high humidity until the chick are internally pipped" ....What do you consider 'high humidity'? Can you give me a number to shoot for?

Thanks for the tips! I'll get a scale and try weighing them next time.
This is what I do and it may or may not work for you..

After I see internal pips..I take the eggs out and place them in the hatcher that is at about 50-60% humidity. To get it that high I use a sponge that I have microwaved in water to sterilize and get it hot. (It is really hot and will increase heat and humidity..I adjust nothing since it is temporary... It cranks up that humidity pretty high for a while..and softens the egg shell. I than never open the box..for any reason after that. I have a shot glass at the bottom of the holes if it is dry outside. I add hot water into the shot glasses to keep it at 50%-60% (I usually do not have to add any more humidity)When they start to zip.. I do nothing and add nothing. The chicks add humidity as they zip and hatch.

I just placed eggs in my hatcher this morning. I have two out of 7 eggs that are internally piped. I have not done anything yet. I will wait until tonight to add that hot sponge. These are shipped eggs and I have 7 out of 12 that should hatch. They are really saddled and they were old when I got them. I am pretty happy with how they have done. I have a few of my own in there too and they will ride with the same procedure with no problems.
My hatcher is a cheap farm and fleet styro machine. If they make it into the hatcher they usually hatch with the way I do it.

Finding a way that works for you and your home environment is important if you are going to continue to hatch. Every house is different..it has all its own humidity..sun exposure..dander from other animals..and bacteria..with time, patience, and experimentation you can and will find a way to hatch shipped eggs that you know works for you.
Hi all.

This weekend weather was lovely and I spent a lot of time outdoors and hanging out with the flock. Now we have dreary drizzly weather. I can't wait for the temps to stay up. I'm getting pretty eager to have the babies out of the house and into the coop.

My DH ordered me an incubator for mother's day and I'm eager to try it out. I have had one bantam that has gone broody twice since January and I love being able to have "homegrown" babies.

I've been reading back a bit on the thread and noticed that some of you are ordering eggs from companies. Are there any that you would recommend? I've been keeping an eye on the local craigslist for fertile eggs for sale. Does anyone have more success with egg fertility with the more local eggs?

Today I was listening to the Chicken Whisperer podcast and learned all about the salmonella outbreak :-(
Its been so crazy this past week I didn't get anything done that I was suppose to. Monster bator were to be hooked up and running by today to fill the orders I aquired but I may have to postpone another week. I just put all but 20 eggs in lockdown lastnight, those are to hatch on the 26th. I have a dozen sitting on the cupboard for the last week as I don't have room in any incubator to set them. I did get the 220 wired in the garage but just haven't been able to get the monsters moved over to hook them up. I have someone coming this afternoon to look at the last one left to buy. So much running around with the grand daughter and dd19 moved back home Sunday so its been insane here. Besides over decided instead if building a new garage im moving the pole shed over to the front of the barn to make it a garage and putting a new roof on it. But before we can do that the loft in the barn has to have floor joists done to accommodate all the stuff in the pole shed so we can tear it down to relocate. I decided I no longer need a 3 horse stall barn so half of the barn will be converted into a garage. It will all work out in the end and save money using the good sides left in the pole shed. Its just the work involved to get it done that is making it a bit miserable.

Good luck everyone on their hatches!!
I can't believe how long it's been since I've been here.
So much stuff going on. SO SO busy. AND I FORGOT TO TAKE OFF FOR THE BASH!! I'm gonna call work today and see if its still possible BUT I also have to find someone to stay with grandma and 4 dogs GRRR. well I just wanted to make an appearance, now back to my regularly scheduled program lol fun fun
Poor Theo
I feel bad that he is outside in this weather. He is wet, really wet. Jim-I've never had an animal that preferred to be out in the weather. Is there a point at which I should worry? I just don't want him to get sick.
Gus lays in the driveway in the rain.. they don't get wet other than on the surface,, and they shake off and dry off very fast .. if he gets uncomfortable, he will let you know.. he was sleeping in below zero temps at a few weeks old .. he might even be one of the 3 that were born outside in minus -20*F..

I have chicks hatching in two different places today..

3 of my 13 eggs have hatched, and some (100) of Pangs are due today also. I have to build another hatching tray real quickly.. I went to Menard's and bought two rolls of 1/2 inch wire mesh ..

My chicks are twice the size of any of the Hmong ladies chicks.. I think they are Delawares..

I better go start sawing lumber and get the last tray built,, will be back when I am finished with that and have the eggs all transferred .....

well I got another hatching tray built, updated the one I built the other day..

transferred about 100 eggs and a few chicks that have already hatched..

Annie just handed me the last 4 eggs I needed to fill the last tray of 48 of my cross breed chicken eggs..

they will go into the bator today and due date will be the first Tuesday after the bash..
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Ok I now have off that Friday and Saturday for the bash, BUT we're not going to be able to stay over night :( however I plan on coming over there Friday night and all day Saturday. We may have to make a run home on Saturday at some point in time just to check on things. grrr Putting this ON MY CALENDAR!! HOOT! HOOT! ok I can BREATHE now lol
Shopping with DD13. She never likes what I pick and we end up arguing, so this time we walked in and I said here we are go find what you need and I'm sitting on a couch waiting. I'm so over the teenage "I know it all" syndrome and refuse to participate further.
Shopping with DD13. She never likes what I pick and we end up arguing, so this time we walked in and I said here we are go find what you need and I'm sitting on a couch waiting. I'm so over the teenage "I know it all" syndrome and refuse to participate further.
yah, it's a pitch when they catch up to , and then pass you with their knowledge ..

I just set 48 guinea eggs for Jim P.. well, at least I had some space in the bator for a couple of hours..


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