Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

Wildsam....awww, sorry about the duck.

Bbp... Hope your birds recover and you didn't loose any.

blue... cool geese!

kirstip.... cute pics!

Jim... Hope puppy feels better soon. Maybe call the vet?

Cs.... Yep, that stuff is great! So glad I found that formula! I did tweak it a bit, but it's so good on almost anything skin related. It even makes a good lip balm. Just got to remember to use it!
I've been putting it on the bruises (from my fall) and even the bad ones are almost gone.
It's highly antiseptic and anti-infammatory. Remember, those with diaper babies, it's good on diaper rash too. It's worked on everything I've tried it on. A couple of tattoo shops would like to carry it (it heals tats real quick, all my kids used it on theirs) but I don't think I can make it often enough to do it. OK, enough of that.

Well, I'm glad I decided to give Pepper more time with those eggs. As of lockup time there were 2 chicks! Now I got to move Jasmine so she doesn't steal them.

That's it.... Night All!

FT.... when are you coming down again?
OH, this is what my son and his friend traded the unfinished house they were rehabbing for...... His friend ad some other friends are sailing it from Washington to the Big Island July 10th. It's 35' I guess.
bbp-do you have a flock cam? It might be beneficial if you can get one. That way you have proof that it is the neighbors dog!

When my purse got stolen out of my car I looked into getting cameras. I'd like one on the horses, one on the coop and one over the driveway. I may have to invest in a little surveillance kit. I really don't have the heart to shoot a dog. Its not his fault the dumb owner let him run. There are a pair of Austrailian shepherds the roam all of the time. I haven't figured out who owns them. But it may have been them for all I know. I guess everyone stays locked up again, unless I'm home and the dog is out. I sure have lost a lot of birds lately. It seems to come in streaks.
Knock on wood I have not lost one bird this year..
Thanks Jim!!! I love cookie..she is terrified of most things..a rabbit made her run away when it came after her..but her presence is great for Hawks.

Sorry for every ones losses..it bites!!

Summers was short!! Frost on the grass a few mornings. Today seem like it will be a good one..I tore down all the incubators. I will not fire one up until September for next years show birds...Please smack me if I do!! I have enough birds that can hatch all summer if I want or need chicks.

Cuties..how many Silver Laced do you have? If you want to add a different line to yours let me know. I swapped eggs with someone who has some Foley birds and I have 6 chicks. I think one male and the rest pullets. I will swap a few pullets if you do.

Kendra..do not take predators away from the dog. You are teaching him the opposite of what his job is and he can get confused. Next time what if one comes to kill chickens and he is afraid to get into trouble?
Chilly morning to all and thanks everyone bout my duckies. So far everyone else seems fine. Fingers crossed.

Locked the outside ducklings up a bit early last night and turned on the heat lamps. But this morning everyone was screaming loudly to come out. So I let them all have a turn in the freshly cleaned pool.

Gave them all some clover and dandelion leaves and they were all happy campers. Now they preen and sit in the sun. Hope it gets to be the 70 they promised for today!

Hope Ur pup feels better soon Jim. Maybe that'll teach her a (small) lesson.

And yes, everything this year seems to come in streaks. And frankly, it sucks!

Cute pics of the chicks! Wish my current batch of pheasies would hatch already. Last one was nothing til bout 4-5 days later! Then we had suddenly 5 hatch. Weird. So now we got some Ringneck and red golden pheasants. One small Lady Amherst chick between them all. Will see how it does. Til then I'm gonna have some breakfast and a nice cold glass of milk (my morning cuppa!)...
good morning, just an update.. not for sympathy, just for your information..

I took puppy back to the vet this morning.. we had to put her down ..
the infection entered the brain.. If he could have saved her, the damage was not predictable ..
so rather than taking the chance we did the deed ..


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