Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Yeah CC we may do the Bash. Me and some kids. I know you're itching to insult me mercilessly. And then I'll cry and cry and make you out to be villainous. Then everyone will take my side and you'll be left in the cold... trying to run me over. But then you'd get a drunk driving because you drink like a fish at the Bash.
It sounds like an AWESOME time!!!
On my road trip. Brought Button dog with me. St the first rest stop I've seen. 70 miles n of mad town.gave ET instructions for the hatch due Saturday. Going to FF to get my horse fair tickets. Brought some Easter Candy to give my nieces....well looks line they won't be getting as much as I thought ! Yes CC I ate their M&M's
Terry- I live in Jefferson county. Did the DNR tell you what farm it was? If I look out my window, I can see one of the chicken farms.
It's probably a mile or two away from me. Thankfully my flock is living in my garage while my husband finishes the coop, which
Should be done this weekend. But I'm still concerned.

Right there with you -- mentally, that is. And I'm in NE part of Walworth County so maybe near the unknown farm?
ever wanted to capture or see a pheasant laying an egg...check pics below

you can see her underside all fluffed out in the pics above and then she wattles around if the birds are bothering her...believe it or not the other birds actually pic on them when they are laying...you can actually see her laying the egg in the pic above...so cool
good afternoon, had a productive day,,

I got the planer knives all changed .. first one took forever,, the last two took about tem minutes apiece..
You should see how nice it cuts now..

ate supper , watched Wheel of Fortune and then hopped on the tractor and dragged a ton of refuse out of the garden,, started a new compost pile with it.. corn stalks, dried tomato plants etc.. Put a layer of dirt on top to help it settle and rot..

soon I will drop the back blade off and put the spring tooth on.. then I can start dragging up new rocks to pick.. In about ten years I should have a pretty rock free six inches of top soil in that new garden..

no chicks yet,, that is good,, means that the bator was not running too hot.. I was a bit concerned about that..

Kildare, you are too funny ;) sometimes tolhose broodies are so stubborn! Women! ;)
very scary that it is getting into back yard flocks now. Texted to Terri this afternoon. Still no word! I think no news is good news?
jim, I sure hope you get those calls!!!
Birdman, my phone won't show md your pics :( I will habe to look back tomorrow when I'm in town.
I did get to see the coop gchicks!! Nice :)

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