Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Windy one to everyone...that's funny Jim...I think one would have to lead them good today, kinda like shooting at flying geese....no harvest today...imagine that.

Yep, Sunneyside is the best...they deliver to most of the feedmills in this part of the state to avoid shipping....simply go to your feedmill and see if they deliver there or give them a call. You can order right at the feedmill then. We have raised a lot of their meaties.

Yeah, when I called Sunnyside to order mine, they steered me to one of the local feed stores..
I was very happy with that.. No USPS involved and the chicks spend a very minimal time in a truck.

got two chicks now.. maybe these are going to be all late comers.. if they come at all ..

I had up to 100 plus muscovys,, they flew, but they hung around their feed and water and shelter.
I had one fly away on me, but she was one of a few that I bought and I did not keep them penned up long enough. the rest of them stayed , though..

.I was watching the calls today for a few minutes.. they were sort of chuckling and dancing around..
too funny .. I haven't pin pointed the two males yet.. are they like pekins, and the males do not quack ?

No really Cooties... I think you should test out coo typing! I could learn a thing or two from you me thinks...

Now CC... I can't learn much from her. But it looks like she's mellowed with age a bit, so I guess that's a good thing...

Bear. :D
You just keep thinking that, sister. Besides, you already knew all the colorful drunken sailor language long before I met you. And you barely drink.

Jim, didn't you make a huge pen for your peafowl with high sides? Did you put a roof on that? Maybe your calls would like it in there if it ever.... warms..... up.......

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