Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

It's gonna be a yellow one!
I know others have had this happen but why or how does a 3 yr old hen pop out a pullet egg? I only have 2 wheaten marans and it came from one of them.
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confirmation,, the white duck is a HE ..
the jury is still out on the other one,, I hope it is the light colored one..
maybe there are 3 of them ??

I cracked a tray of unhatched eggs.. there were many wholly developed chicks ..
which means, my temperature was too low.. I picked the wrong thermometer,,

I put a brand new digital thermometer in the bator,, I reset the temperature according to it..
will finish out the next two batches with the higher temperature.. bound to get it right one of these times..
I guess I owe the Hmong lady an apology .. I should give her a call.. maybe do a small batch for free ..
Jim just out of curiosity how does one charge for hatching eggs? Per egg, per live hatch?
I used to do it per live hatch,, .75 cents each..
now I switched to .50 cents per egg set..
I have to handle all of the eggs and they take up space for 3 weeks whether they hatch or not..
I use the same amount of electricity on no hatches as I do on the successful ones,,

there is a guy up around Merrill who charges $1.oo.. IDK if that is for each egg or for each successful hatch ..??

want some free advice ? don't get in to it ..
too many people don't understand that not hatching 100% is normal ..

Yeah no plans on doing that ! Good advice.
I know you don't candle but maybe worth looking into on customers eggs so you can pull the clears.

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