Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey everybody, anybody!
I am from Clintonville, live about 6 miles east of it, actually.....just got my self 6 hens, I know 2 of them are Delawares, no clue on the others. I am having a great time with them. Just have a tractor coop and running my legs off going out to check them cause I am a really nervous mother. I got them on Sat 25th. One little girl is the only one laying. Sunday she gave me two eggs, and today so far, she has laid one. I have a chair out there by the coop and me and my dog (small, bug eyed breed) go sit, I drink coffee and we watch the hens. So great at my advanced age of 70 I have the opportunity to get chickens....would like to hear from folks around this area of WI and see what you have and how many. Since I am new to this, maybe I could get smarter from you.
Beautiful afternoon all....sorry to hear about the losses...that part of raising chickens is the hard part.

Welcome firstchick to the cheeseheads....I'm just up the road, and yep a lot of great chicken fanciers on here...and no question is a dumb one...we never do anything on here but help folks and then argue who is right...

So sorry Heather ! Rest in Peace Little ones! (((Hugs)))
One of my paint showgirl chicks made it to zipping half way around then died. I don't think it made a big enough air hole. Black silkie hatched
I know someone who is hatching out white English orps if you are interested. Do you have pictures? I've never seen an English orp. Suppose to look like they are wearing bloomers right?
So sorry Heather ! Rest in Peace Little ones! (((Hugs)))
One of my paint showgirl chicks made it to zipping half way around then died. I don't think it made a big enough air hole. Black silkie hatched
if there was a hole, any hole , it was large enough to let air in,, the chick died from something else, not suffocation ..
sometimes the vigor just isn't there and they give up ..
So sorry for those who've lost some birds. :(

Our coop is almost done! We have the inspector coming out Thursday for the final OK from the powers that be, and then we get our chickens on Friday! I'm driving out to Brodhead to the CSA farm we're getting them from, probably take my little boys to meet the little girls who raised the chicks.

I'm so excited!
Hi! We live in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin and are new to having chickens! We got our 5 chicks on April 16. We are allowed to have 5 chickens, no roosters here in town so that's what we have (hoping they all turn out to be female)! Since getting our chicks they have lived in our laundry room in one container and now in a bigger container. ;) We are working hard to get our small chicken coop and run done. So far I'm excited and look forward to participating on this forum, which as already been the BEST resource for us!
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Hi! We live in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin are new to having chickens! We got our 5 chicks on April 16. We are allowed to have 5 chickens, no roosters here in town so that's what we have (hoping they all turn out to be female)! Since getting our chicks they have lived in our laundry room in one container and now in a bigger container. ;) We are working hard to get our small chicken coop and run done. So far I'm excited and look forward to participating on this forum, which as already been the BEST resource for us!


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