Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey! I just got a notification from you Cind! Hope your chicks arrive safe!
yes cc, I sent Jims # to her. He must be getting alstimer (sp) because he pmd me givi g permission to give out his #

Birdman, cute pics.
Well, back to the grind
it's spelled " OLDTIMERS"
good morning,

I am getting notifications again,,

Cooties, you don't know how close of a diagnosis that was.. I had already forgotten I sent you the PM.. I like to call it memory gaps ..

Also known as "brain farts".

I am getting notifications again also. Glad they figured it out.
We ended up with a Buff Orpington, a Silver-Laced Wyandotte, and three Rhode Island Reds. They're about 2-3 weeks from laying and very calm/tame -- they were raised by a couple 9 year old girls.

Please welcome Sunny, Pollito, Orange, Sonic, and Professor McClucken.

Glarner-hens look healthy, but I noticed that your vent does not appear to have hardware cloth over it. I'd suggest that you get some and staple it up to prevent invaders!
Spring has sprung down here. My cherry, apricot, choke cherry, and crab apple are all flowering. The tulips are also all open!

I also might have a wild bee hive starting in my wood pile. We gotta get them outta there fast!
I borrowed a couple of large live traps and managed to get the egg-sucking cat last night. Relocated him this morning. I don't get many eggs now that most of the flock is gone but HE won't be eating them before I collect them anymore!

Still hoping to get that foxy fox!
Just a tease for you all - I picked a 1/2 pound of wild asparagus off our property this weekend. I only saw 5 asparagus hunters come through today - and I still managed to find enough. The neighbor stopped by to warn me that "it is the season" and it is only going to get worse. I guess there are some people who will park in the field entrance and walk the fields to pick the asparagus. Sorry folks, I am here now and this is MY asparagus - and being unemployed at the time will allow me to patrol. Maybe I should put the gun case on the ATV...
Here is supper - I made Chicken with Mushrooms and Asparagus.

We had our first taste of fresh asparagus from the garden last night. YUM!
Hi all! NIce rain most of the day here so I got some much needed house cleaning accomplished (I am on a break right now) That is a great pic of your buff hen Glarner...I agree to keep it around and enter it for the calendar or some other contest!
Since everyone is posting about foood...and I am really hungry I will post my dinner last night. Funny thing is that it included both chuck roast(marinated and on the grill) AND asparagus from my garden! I guess we all eat with the seasons.

DH was being stupid and said that he didnt want to eat at 8 O'clock...inside food wasnt quite done because of people coming to look at puppies...so he left and went disc golfing, refusing to eat....then he comes home and makes himself a sandwich at 9:15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an idiot!
He missed it cause it was delish!

I thought this pic was so neat...boiled eggs collected yesterday. That one on the top is really big and really blue! I have so many eggs it's not funny...the state called me again and said that because there is another farm that has AI in this county and they didnt get to me for a retest last week, they will be coming in two weeks to do my retest when they are doing the additional 80+ new farms that are within the circle of this new one. I have a feeling that this will never end!

My break time just went off so I guess I should get back to work...the vacuum is next on the list!
Have a good one...the bash is in our sites! TerriO

I thought this pic was so neat...boiled eggs collected yesterday. That one on the top is really big and really blue! I have so many eggs it's not funny...the state called me again and said that because there is another farm that has AI in this county and they didnt get to me for a retest last week, they will be coming in two weeks to do my retest when they are doing the additional 80+ new farms that are within the circle of this new one. I have a feeling that this will never end!

My break time just went off so I guess I should get back to work...the vacuum is next on the list!
Have a good one...the bash is in our sites! TerriO
That picture's a keeper also, TO!

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