Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi Everyone!
Update, Gimpy is getting around a little better. She climbs the little ladder in the run and goes and lays an egg everyday. I have no idea how she gets up there, but she does. I am now getting 4 eggs a day. 3 lay in the morning and Gimpy lays in the afternoon. So tomorrow, I will try to get pictures of my girls to post. Rained too much today. I almost bought some ducks today. They told me they were Whites and someother name that I don't remember. They look like Mallards but are much bigger. Decided to learn my chicken stuff first.
Hi Everyone!
Update, Gimpy is getting around a little better. She climbs the little ladder in the run and goes and lays an egg everyday. I have no idea how she gets up there, but she does. I am now getting 4 eggs a day. 3 lay in the morning and Gimpy lays in the afternoon. So tomorrow, I will try to get pictures of my girls to post. Rained too much today. I almost bought some ducks today. They told me they were Whites and someother name that I don't remember. They look like Mallards but are much bigger. Decided to learn my chicken stuff first.
probably Rauen (sp)? Rouen
Hi All!

The chicks came!!!

But now I have 2 sub-flocks instead of 1
Oh well.

Night All!
I have that same issue. No issues at this point. The BCMs chicks (easter hatch ) are now on the roost with the rest of the flock every night. LB chicks are only a week old. Jury is def. out on them. LB is not going to win any mother of the year awards. OE is still sitting on 3 viable eggs. Assume she will be like the BCM when it comes to rearing her chicks.
good morning,

having my cuppa,, left over from yesterday.. it is drinkable if I get it really hot in the microwave and then let it cool..

I am taking off right after I feed the birds.. gotta cut that lady's lawn today or else !!

I run all ages of chicks together,, as they hatch, I put them in with the older chicks..when they start getting a lot of feathers, they are turned out of the brooder pens..

I have a baffle I put in the doorway.. if they can fly/jump over it, they can go outside..
I had a picture of them sitting on it, but I must have deleted that one,,

Well, if Jim says it will work... I might brave b!tches 1 & 2 (no, not Robin or Mellie! :D) and steal some eggs. I think I'd like to try and pick some that are almost ready to hatch. That way Georgie wouldn't have to sit as long and could get on with her mothering. I've got to try and NOT check on her though because when she sees me it's time to pop off the nest and come visit. And she's LOUD when visiting
Well, if Jim says it will work... I might brave b!tches 1 & 2 (no, not Robin or Mellie!
) and steal some eggs. I think I'd like to try and pick some that are almost ready to hatch. That way Georgie wouldn't have to sit as long and could get on with her mothering. I've got to try and NOT check on her though because when she sees me it's time to pop off the nest and come visit. And she's LOUD when visiting
I see you and her have something in common................
Well, if Jim says it will work... I might brave b!tches 1 & 2 (no, not Robin or Mellie!
) and steal some eggs. I think I'd like to try and pick some that are almost ready to hatch. That way Georgie wouldn't have to sit as long and could get on with her mothering. I've got to try and NOT check on her though because when she sees me it's time to pop off the nest and come visit. And she's LOUD when visiting
I wonder where the birds could have learned Loud behavior from at Heather's place?

You were all thinking it too!


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