Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning,

I am here to tell you that I have never had such stinky chickens before..
those 100 3-day old chicks win hands down..
to make matters worse, the brooder pens are at chest height,, right in-your-face level..

working on getting the lawn mower ready.. spent all day yesterday charging up the battery,, got it up to 100% charge.. hope it holds.. will find out soon..
have a rear tire that won't hold air.. who ever came up with tubeless tires for lawn equipment ?
I think a tube is in my near future for that tire..

tail gate hinge broke on the pick up truck.. another thing to go searching for..

Daniel Webster wanted the turkey to by our national bird.. he said it was more regal than the scavenger eagle ..

when you get down to it, there is not much difference between and eagle and a vulture..

I wouldn't mind sacrificing a chihuahua just once to see it snatched by an eagle.. that would be awesome..
Morning All...yep Jim, eat and poop is all they do. If you have a attached run to their coop, they have to be kicked out or they won't even walk out.
Congrats on your Son being successful Cind...good for him....everything is super high priced for property there. Those chicks are all dropped shipped...hard to say how long they were in a shipping container without food and water. I know they can go 3 days...but it's not the best practice in my opinion. My hatched birds are eating and drinking within 24 hours of hatching...they must be thirsty and hungry to do so.

Nice pics cuties. Yep, bbp, we lost a blue am to a eagle also a couple years ago....there are more and more eagles around. I think their food source is shrinking also with all the competition.

Time to till the garden some more.

Good luck with the party Amy! And put that boy in a timeout for a week. Hos tune will be sure to turn :)
browncow, I recommend sending the kiddos to school in one of the small town schools around Fdl. That is what we are happy with.
bbp, so sorry abput the dark egg layer. I love the variety. We ordered Super Blue from DMrippy. Very eggcited to see their eggs!

I will keep that in mind thanks!

Like any mid-sized city, there are good parts and bad parts.  I do not know about education/schools, but, will ask my grand-daughter.  She is a teacher and will probably be able to give a fair assessment.

Thank you! I would be very interested in what she thinks!

I think we will be making a trip up next weekend to kind of check things out :)
Mine have always come from sunnyside Have only had one lazy batch. Otherwise they are out of brooder at 1 week of age...out coop at 2 weeks.
They might not weigh what a standard cross will weigh at 8 weeks. Only feed 2x daily...they spend the rest of the day scratching for their food.
I don't ferment the layers feed.....but I do with the broilers. Have no intention to debate the merits. All I know is it cuts my water use, poop, and firms up their droppings. Mine arrive on the 15th. Small batch of 15. Will do a larger batch in August.

the chicks come from Sunnyside direct on their truck.. no matter how long it takes them, they are here the same day they leave the hatchery,, and they are not bumped and kicked around and who knows what else the USPS does to them, not to mention having 50% dead when they finally do get here,,

the chicks are doing fine,, drinking almost 2 gallons of water per day.. I think they stink, Annie says no more than any other chicken..
they are getting tiny wing feathers already.. sort of confirms my suspission ion that they
were more than a day old when I got them,,

I had a good and a bad day,, like a roller coaster.. I am going to quit doing anything on an up beat..

got the lawn mower started, flat tire.. pumped it up , went to mow a little, the cable on the blade drive snapped in two.. parked the lawn mower..

went and found the correct hinges for the tail gate on the pick up.. can't get the old hinges off.. decided to cut the bolts, but not until some future date..

took the pick up and pulled the tractor off of the garden,, now I can at least roto till it ..

played a penny slot machine at the restaurant,, hit $100.oo.. more than paid for breakfast .
Hi All!

Something got in the coop and killed 1 of my hens (where were the 13 roosters 5 guineas and 3 turkeys to protect her?
) head was ripped off and a bit of the butt chewed out. Ideas? DH is bringing home a live trap tomorrow.
Today there was a dead Canada goose on our river bank. The feathers and down were ripped out and spread everywhere. The head and neck were intact and part of the legs. We had a goose nesting out on the island and I could see she was gone. So I paddled out there in the kayak to check the nest. The eggs had definitely hatched and it had rained since then by the looks of it. So, I'm hoping she was long gone and it wasn't her. She nests there every year.

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