Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

So, I have a question for you long time chicken people. I have a big waterer 31/2 gallon or more I'm thinking. It is galvanized. I was putting vinegar in the water cause I read somewhere that was good for the chickens. Well, the galvanized started rusting on the inside. Is that a health hazard? I no longer use the vinegar, but, it is still rusty. I do refresh it every day, pouring out the days before water.
the rust won't hurt the chickens..

Vinegar is acidic , so that is why it is hard on metal.
do like Cooties mentioned. use plastic waterers with the vinegar.
In the summer, the vinegar retards mold in your waterer.
at least it seems like mold, the black slime that builds up in the waterers. maybe all water does not do this, but my well water does.


eta: if your metal waterer is rusty, eventually it will get a pin hole in it. If that happens, all of your water will leak out .
you can patch the pin holes with
JB Weld.
I am going to experiment with Gorilla Glue on my next pin hole.
Easier to use and a little goes a long way.

I know it holds water, because I accidentally plugged up my kitchen sink with it.. that's what gave me the idea to use it for pin holes..
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Hi All!

Went to the doctor today, asked about my sore throat (started Sun.) I have Thrush!

Birds seem good but still have something lurking around.

Night All.

Bigzo- for Suzie and you- just read what you had posted.

Just stopping in to say hi, haven't been on in a while....we are busy here with all our animals and everyday life. We have several litters of angora rabbits- 4 weeks old now. Our 4 goat does are due to kid the end of March thru mid- April. Youngest DS is excited as 2 does are due right around his birthday :)

Not sure if we will be hatching any chicks this year- incubator isn't work quite right and DH hasn't had time to take a look at it....came across a picture of Blue Laced Red Wyandottes- pretty neat looking- is anyone on the thread raising them or know of a good place to order some from? PM will probably reach me quickest otherwise I will try and check back in.

The picture is of our doe Peanut's litter- she had 8 kits and was bred to our broken blue buck- Ben

Have a good one!
good morning, got up at 4:3o .
about all cuppa'd up already..
Hi H&R ,
What are you going to do with all those goats ?
One spring we had about a dozen born..
Pretty quiet on the bash thread.

H&R!! Been a while. Love hearing about those goats. You are welcome to use our incubator if you want...nothing like your cabinet ones, but hatches 24 at a time or so. Love those buns!! Hope you are good.
Afternoon to Everyone. Nice to hear from you H&R and good to know that all is well at your house!

Hope all is well Cind...I have to go google Thrush. I have no clue what that is.

Stop back later...bigz

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