Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Just about done with my pvc chicken tractor for my first attempt at meat chickens. I needed something light that my mom can move because she's my chicken keeper when I need a sitter it's actually pretty cool. It's 10x5 and 2 feet tall. Cost about 35 dollars with the netting.

are you going to present it to Mom tomorrow ?
"happy mother's day" Mom..
are you going to present it to Mom tomorrow ? 
"happy mother's day" Mom..
The tractor is actually for my meaties not hers but I'm sure I'll fill her freezer for her with chicken too! She's getting a raised drum garden cuz she doesn't get around too well and lives in town so she's lacking space too. If I bring the garden up to her he can have a garden again!
good afternoon,

I got almost 5 bucket loads of branches hauled back to the burn pile. I say almost, because Ollie is sitting in the walnut grove with a dead battery with the 5th load in his bucket. too much starting and stopping with only short runs in between ..

On a low note, I broke a tooth off of the drag . on a high note, I only sheared 3 mounting bolts. on a low note all my bolts are a quarter inch too short, on a high note, I ripped out the last birch stump with that broken tooth. (I had no intentions of doing that) but it happened and I am glad.

Dang Jim, your luck sounds as bad as mine...the dang mower started and suzie cut some lawn for me today...then it was tall enough I needed to rake...my puter will not work on the site. This took 10 minutes.

Dang Jim, your luck sounds as bad as mine...the dang mower started and suzie cut some lawn for me today...then it was tall enough I needed to rake...my puter will not work on the site. This took 10 minutes.


Yeah, bad things can happen only if you are doing something. but it is the same for good things happening.
all we can hope for is the good things to outnumber the bad.
so we keep on doing.. even if it is wrong..

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