Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good late motning,

I mowed the front yard. cut about 200 pounds of branches off of the plum tree. no more scraping my body when I mow under it.

cut down a black walnut tree that had a real crooked trunk.

too much exercise for this heat..

learned how to make copies with my new copier ..
printed off two good schematics of tractor wiring.

switched a couple of wires on Ollie to make them in the correct location on the alternator.

now it is 10AM and I am taking a well deserved break..

tried Silk on my cheerios for breakfast.. I don't like it .
I think pure water would taste better..

good late motning,

I mowed the front yard.  cut about 200 pounds of branches off of the plum tree.  no more scraping my body when I mow under it.

cut down a black walnut tree that had a real crooked trunk.

too much exercise for this heat..

learned how to make copies with my new copier ..
printed off two good schematics of tractor wiring.

switched a couple of wires on Ollie to make them in the correct location on the alternator.

now it is 10AM and I am taking a well deserved break..

tried Silk on my cheerios for breakfast..  I don't like it .
I think pure water would taste better..

My wife likes that silk garbage. I think it tastes like sh*t. Yet another Antigo headline. Someone shot at a police officer during a traffic stop and lead a high speed chase to Merrill where the gunman was whacked by a police officer. I'm embarrassed of where I live. Really makes me wanna get the hell out of here.
I learned a long time ago that you cannot let yourself be embarrassed by somebody else's actions.

as for the taste of Silk sh*t, I will have to take your word for that.

Daethen: ,,.

.today I am learning about diodes .

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Summer afternoon to everyone...about time wega had some more excitement bl4! Seems like the train tracks there are your only hope for some action. I do miss the weekly visit though....

Yep, the cukes were picked early Jim...then I delivered them to the church office for whoever wants them....the office lady was gonna have some with lunch. I always give extras away so the aren't wasted. The overgrown ones always go to the chickens, as well as the large zukes...mine always get them cut in half for easy eating.

Suzie is gonna try a raspberry coffee cake with some of the berries....sounds good to me...wish it was done.

Summer afternoon to everyone...about time wega had some more excitement bl4! Seems like the train tracks there are your only hope for some action. I do miss the weekly visit though....

Yep, the cukes were picked early Jim...then I delivered them to the church office for whoever wants them....the office lady was gonna have some with lunch. I always give extras away so the aren't wasted. The overgrown ones always go to the chickens, as well as the large zukes...mine always get them cut in half for easy eating.

Suzie is gonna try a raspberry coffee cake with some of the berries....sounds good to me...wish it was done.


good summer afternoon,

With the AC going, I am finally dried off and feeling like I might go mow some more lawn.. It is not too overly long, but if I wait until Saturday, it will be plenty long.

can't go wrong with raspberry anything. coffee cake is a super choice..

Called bro Dave. he is going to come and help me track down the electrical short on the tractor.
He is a whizz with a multimeter.

years ago I had a buried electric 220V short-out, between the house and garage.. he came and did some readings. first from one end, then the other. came to the conclusion that it was under the driveway about 25 feet away from the house..
We dug down and found the burnt cable right there..

Dug up the little remaining patch of quack in the new garden space, hope I am not setting myself up for a mess again... 6 beds in and planted, hoping to do a couple more so I can plant more greens and radishes before we leave for Nebraska on Friday, but we will see. Beets and lettuce up, tomatoes tied up to new supports. Keep giving chickens cold water to get them to drink more and actually sprayed them a little bit yesterday with the mister setting on the hose but don't think that did a whole lot. When I let them out, they stay within a couple feet of the coop because that is where the most shade is. Looking forward to the trip, will totally make my FIL day when I ask him how to bend pipe for my low tunnels. I already have an idea how, but he is a font when it comes to knowing how to do things like that. Anyone else do season extension in the garden?
Weird cloud just went over...

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