Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I've got blue laced red wyandottes on the brain. This could be dangerous

corey, shake it loose.. they are a beatch to butcher..

wyo, ahhhh,,
, nothing better than a cheap repair .. so satisfying .

I checked the radar.. there is a small rain cloud between Medford and me.. not going to worry about that one.

going to go ride around on the mower and see if any of the lawn needs mowing.

might take Ollie and spread a few wood chips here and there, too..

Yep, while not funny, we have 4 of those little pesky ones running around here daily...it's the program in the woods , eh!

The kohlrabi freezes really well for addition to the soup of different kinds all winter long...I always have a knife handy to peal those and eat them raw....they are wonderful in a kohlrabi sandwich too! I plant the purple variety every year here!

Sandhillpreservation has sweet potato slips cs.


Thanks Brent, I've got their website pulled up!!!!
Summer afternoon to everyone...about time wega had some more excitement bl4! Seems like the train tracks there are your only hope for some action. I do miss the weekly visit though....

Yep, the cukes were picked early Jim...then I delivered them to the church office for whoever wants them....the office lady was gonna have some with lunch. I always give extras away so the aren't wasted. The overgrown ones always go to the chickens, as well as the large zukes...mine always get them cut in half for easy eating.

Suzie is gonna try a raspberry coffee cake with some of the berries....sounds good to me...wish it was done.


How is Suzie??????
Rain rain rain rain......

Some of us do work you know Jim; can't rot on BYC all the time.....

Amyable is due any time now with baby #5.....

Train crossing is almost fixed.... They have had flag men out there for the past few days.

Thank goodness it is Wednesday, week is almost over....

In case anyone is interested, the Portage Poultry Show is going to be held this year.
Fingers crossed for a easy birth and healthy baby!

Well, this past weekend, Nathan got the siding replaced and a new door frame installed, so part of our post-Cookie repairs are complete. We still have to paint the new wood and fix the fences, but everything is coming along. Theo has mellowed back to his normal self, thank God!

Our garden is doing well. Our cukes, squash, and tomatoes are all in full throttle with winter squash trailing behind! Eggplant have flowered, cauliflower has mini heads, and I don't know what the broccoli & brussels are doing, but they are alive!

We've just purchased some pork belly and have it curing for the week and then we will smoke it. Can't wait for all home-made BLT's!
good afternoon,

I got the ripped apart lawn all fixed up and ready to mow once the grass grows back..

I took Ollie and dumped a nice big bucket of wood chips on the area where I dug out all of those birch stumps. back dragged it and now just have to wait for grass to grow there, too.

If I keep this up, I won't have any lawn to mow for awhile..

Annie just came back from the mailbox.. she saw two foxes across the road and across the hay field..

I told her not to worry, the dogs will keep them away.. they are probably after the neighbor's chickens, not ours..

the rain has quit for now, but the sun did not appear yet.. we are supposed to get round #2 storm about 5 PM .

got 20 pints of beans into the freezer.. lots more to pick.
I told Annie that just because I planted a 100 foot row, she does not have to pick all of them.. she is putting out the word to DD's and SIL to come pick if they want beans..

Thunder in the sky as I type....if it blows over, that's fine with me!

Yep Jim....blt's here tonight for the first of the season...they are so goodie with home grown maters!

Suzie is old and slow cs....LOL...cause I can here her when she reads this on her tablet.... but otherwise she is just old and crabby.... thanks for asking, you're the best!

Raining now, dang, I hope it doesn't hang around much longer....now I don't have to cut the lawn, cause it's wetter than heck. I put it off for today, so I can put off some more....smart thinking, eh!

I put up 60 qts of beans this past weekend. Lots of work for an old lady.

Think our old lady barred Rock Waddles is dying. She just sits around in the coop on the ground. I picked her up and put her by the water, she did not drink. I took some cauliflower out to the chickens and spead some around her. She tried to stand up and fell over on her chest. Poor thing. Don't know what to do for her as I think it is old age. W e got her a year ago and the woman said she was the oldest of the bunch.

My DIL just won a prrize package from Christmas Mountain in the Dells. They have to go down next weekend to pick it up. Some nice stuff in it-a couple of vacations, Dining card, other stuff.
good evening,

that is a lot of work for anybody, young or old. good job.

we froze 20 pints today.

I got about 11 dozen Sagitta eggs to hatch from Jordan.
I get to keep half
These eggs are enormous . they don't fit into the chicken egg trays

Today I got a call from Marathon Feed Mill. my 6 POL pullets will be arriving on Sept 9..

there was about an inch of rain water in the dog's feed dish just from today.

OK guys and gals, I got chickens last June as day old chicks. Any ideas on when they will molt? They had feather mites and are looking a bit scruffy. One of the blacks was pretty bad, she lost half of her tail feathers and now has a bare back. DH is wondering how long she is going to look like Heck warmed over.

The coop has been scrubbed down and dusted, the birds have been dusted and now have a dirt bath with DE in it to help prevent this from re-occurring. The nest boxes have been cleaned out, DE in the bottom, and a new bale of hay for kicking around before laying in.

Any other advice on treating for feather mites?
10 more pints of dill pickles for a total of 39 this year so far. Also did 3 quarts and a pint of hot dill beans today. Can't remember how many I already have done. Tomatoes are coming in and I will be doing salsa and spaghetti sauce soon. Ahhh canning season.
Stuck in a "mobile home". No chickens, no pets, no garden, depressed. I have been checking in, sorry if I bum you out. Night all.

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