Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good humid morning,
the air is thick today. good thing the sun is not shining, yet.

I have some junk brush piles to pick up from out of the pines. only I have to trim some overhead branches so I can drive Ollie through without knocking the exhaust pipe off..

If it gets too hot to work in the trees, I can always mow some lawn.

good humid morning,
the air is thick today.  good thing the sun is not shining, yet.

I have some junk brush piles to pick up from out of the pines. only I have to trim some overhead branches so I can drive Ollie through without knocking the exhaust pipe off..

If it gets too hot to work in the trees, I can always mow some lawn.

I'd kill to have a tractor. It don't pay to buy one with only a few acres but I could sure put one to use for a week or so
corey, buy a mid-sized tractor.
I have 9 acres, but I use only about 2.. a few acres are woods/river bottom and a few are used by a neighbor farmer.
Except for snow plowing, I often wish I would have bought a mid-sized tractor. there are so many garden chores you can do with one of those.
just go on U-Tube and look up what you can do in a garden with a small tractor. raised beds, furrowing, hilling, cultivating .

I am thinking, next year I am going to hill the whole garden before planting anything. sort of like a modified raised bed garden.

how I figure it, it gives me twice the depth of top soil , and weeds do not grow too well in the bottoms of the furrows

gotta go, I just got a call to go for breakfast. never pass up a free meal..

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Warm but cloudy here, so that is saving the heat from frying us at the moment.

I have a friend cw that hunts geese all the time and also says that goose jerky is simply the best jerky ever.

Nothing new for now.

good afternoon,

was it me who just the other day say "the grass doesn't seem to be growing" ?
I just mowed for a little over an hour.. I take it back.. there were a couple of spots where the engine slowed down a bit .

I took some pictures of the pines I am clearing the brush out of.
I will post the pictures on a separate post, later.

this is taken from the road.. somewhere in the foreground is a patch of raspberries.
that will be a future project ..

this is taken from the drivewqy. that tree on the left is about where the corner of the black walnut trees end. it is already cleared from there to the left.

this is the corner where I have started. got the first 5 pines cleared..
the new grass seeding is all that straw at the bottom of this picture.
I pulled a couple of small trees up by the roots from there and had to patch the ground.

this is the chair I sit on when I water the grass seed.
Just to the right of the chair is a teepee my nephew built in 2000. it is all slab wood.
soon it will be on the burn pile along with that pile of brush on the right.

.. this is taken from the road.. somewhere in the foreground is a patch of raspberries. that will be a future project .. .. this is taken from the drivewqy. that tree on the left is about where the corner of the black walnut trees end. it is already cleared from there to the left. .. this is the corner where I have started. got the first 5 pines cleared.. the new grass seeding is all that straw at the bottom of this picture. I pulled a couple of small trees up by the roots from there and had to patch the ground. .. this is the chair I sit on when I water the grass seed. Just to the right of the chair is a teepee my nephew built in 2000. it is all slab wood. soon it will be on the burn pile along with that pile of brush on the right. .........jiminwisc..........
Boy it sure looks like you get a lot done for the amount of time you spend on here! Lol. Another sticky b out there this morning. Hopefully this rain keeps it cooler today and let's you have a day of rest from the yard. It's amazing what labor is constantly needed on a smaller chunk of property. I'd be screwed if I had a 40. I did some looking at mid size tractors and boy are they pricey. There's some that are priced decently but the attachments are insane too. Maybe I'm just cheap.
Hey everybody....I'mmmmmmmm Back. Did not post on here cause it was an emergency type thing. Just got out of the hospital yesterday after spending 4 days there. No one has ever said I was super sweet..........well, I was not there either. But, did leave on good terms with everyone. The Surgeon made a nick in my abdominal wall back in 2010 which caused a hernia, which caused a small bowel obstruction. So now I have to go have that fixed. Will find out when today. In case ya'll missed me.
Oh, BTW, my younuns are laying. Small eggs, got 9 of them yesterday.
Hey everybody....I'mmmmmmmm Back. Did not post on here cause it was an emergency type thing. Just got out of the hospital yesterday after spending 4 days there. No one has ever said I was super sweet..........well, I was not there either. But, did leave on good terms with everyone. The Surgeon made a nick in my abdominal wall back in 2010 which caused a hernia, which caused a small bowel obstruction. So now I have to go have that fixed. Will find out when today. In case ya'll missed me.
Oh, BTW, my younuns are laying. Small eggs, got 9 of them yesterday.

hope everything turns out well,, and as long as you are in there, see if he has a pill to make you sweeter..

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