Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

So a totally different subject. I am hopefully going to be incubating some again some. And just curious as to what the consensuses is to as the best or one of the better incubators there are. And I'm not talking hundreds of eggs.thanks everyone.
good morning,

I have to go to F&F to pick up a plastic pan. then the pictures will commence .

I have had good luck with the Little Giant, and the Hovabator. both are styrofoam bators.one drawback is that the tiny arms that turn the trays are quite delicate and break off quite easily. You can buy replacement trays. actually you can buy just about any part of the bator.
they each hold about 40 eggs.
they have to be set up correctly for best results.and I do not mean set up according to factory specs.
and once set, they are not to be fiddled with thereafter
Don't be mislead by comments you will read on byc. they are good incubators if properly used.
the only failure is in the operator.

I am using sportsmans now. I have 3 of them, also good machines, capacity is about 280 chicken eggs. I have tweaked mine and can do about 500 in two of them,
again, good results depends upon proper set up preparation.

I hear Brinsea is good. I never saw one.

stay away from the cheap 6 egg model that is powered with a light bulb. there are success stories with these, but even more failures.. I had/have one somewhere. after I looked at it after I got it, I put it on a shelf. what a piece of junk, IMHO.

good news. we sold both girl puppies. not so good news, we still have two boys to sell. goodish news. one of the boys might be going next Sunday. a young couple was here last night to look at them. said they would be back.
we will see..


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Yes! to pictures of the feeder, Jim.

DH is talking about making a bulk feeder for me, so any ideas would be great.

Do you feed pellets or crumble?

I do not feed either at the moment.
I am buying a layer mixture from the feedmill. it is their own blend.. the consistency is like corn meal.
costs about $10.oo for a 50 pound bag. I feed it straight across to all ages of chickens.

I raise my cornish X meaties on finely ground 50/50 corn and oats. I start the chicks right off on it, too. no starter crumbles.

I haven't tried the 50/50 mixture in this feeder yet. I am hoping it will work, though. this feed has a real tendency to hang up.

Jim, I am always amazed at all you accomplish.

Still battling this dang bug! Missed out on my race last Saturday, went to the clinic on Monday and was given some cough syrup with codeine for my mild bronchitis. Lovely......

Took my oldest DS back to school over the weekend too........ it was nice having him here for six weeks, I miss having him here and hate that he is so far away. Part of parenting though, you have to let them fly on their own eventually.

Hoping to have some big news in the next few weeks....... mum's the word for right now though.
Caught up after missing a week, lots to read. Looked for the puppies on CL but you must have pulled the ad so could not see them. Some of my 5 have started laying, can't tell if both the buffs or just one at the moment. Have not seen a green egg in months... freeloaders. Stopped into Marathon T&C and looks like they will start taking orders for chicks next week so the kids are excited. Hoping to get a maran or a sussex this year but may just have to stick with our rock/buff combo if we want eggs reliably.
BL4...you cant lead with that??? lol

Gurk...I splurged on a Brinsea 20 last year with turner and it worth it to me!!! I can do up to 25 eggs or so in there(yes it says 20...) it has given me great hatches when eggs are fertile.

Having said that... so we bought some bantam Wyandotte eggs for an Xmas present for DD10 for her first year showing 4H. She really wanted to start with some nice bantams. Of the Christmas eggs we put in incubator, only 2 were fertile. Guy was very nice and gave me another dozen after we candled after a week...same thing. We actually wanted black chicks but the only ones that were fertile were the partridge ones he put in there...so with 4 of them now, we are going that route. Yesterday was chatting with a guy on Fb on a chicken page and he is giving out some bantam buff brahma eggs, especially for 4h kids. I don't love feather feet but will give it a shot and see what hatches out.
My question is...does anyone have the recent SOP books that could scan pages on these bantam breeds for me? Sorry...long run to the 4h extension office that has a book and I am cheap and don't want to buy yet...

Jim...hope those last two pups sell. Such big cuties.

Otherwise dealing with moms failing health and lots of rides down to Milwaukee to take her to big Dr appointments and visit her. Her 80 bday is this weekend so trying to have my sister drive her up to us so I can make a big meal and cake etc. Hard to go to my evil sisters or mothers were there is nothing for the kids to do and no wifi. Sad but if we are there for 4-5 hours, it is tough on them...
Here all these years I thought you wanted me for a son in law bl4..... LOL!

Suzie made bread again today...it's really a shame that she makes all these bread sticks that are so addicting that she will have to bake bread again prolly before the weekend. nothing is better than fresh ho- made bread like the chickens make...from scratch.

I did not take the ad off of CL .. maybe it was flagged.
I will check it out.
both of the girl pups are gone, only 2 boys left.

got up really early this morning, 4:3o .. went to the truck stop for b'fast . got out of there by 8:eek:o ..
dropped off our tax papers in Merrill .
came home and Roger showed up at 11:eek:o. He didn't make up his mind if he wanted to stay here. will let us know.
has mild autism, not officially diagnosed .
has no family.

sat down to watch the noon news, woke up a couple of hours later. don't ask me what the news was ..

went on the puter searching for apple root stock. found some. they cost $3.5o/each . thinking I might order 10.


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