Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Big Z; you just killed off a bunch of Swallowtail butterfly catepillars. They like Dill, Carrots, Parsley...... anyway, just thought you would like to know.
(I normally do not use Wiki, but this time I'll make an exception)

Are you suggesting the 5% Sevin dust for use inside the house????????

Gaelio; I am stealing that chicken. She is adoreable!!!

I feed my dogs raw eggs all the time. I crack them a bit into their food at night so they are not wandering all over the house carrying a raw egg, and the yummy white can ooze onto their food.

Time for Glee!
Then peach pie with vanilla bean ice cream!
Thanks for sharing the info bl4.
Wish i had a place to release them? I'll keep that in mind...I do love butterflys and promote them, didn't know dill was a host...nope not inside, just dust whoever outside...they will shake off and carry enough inside to not only do the trick, but without any harm to anyone. You do want a solution to the prob...ain't De or other products for sure, just sayin, (carbaryl) 5%.
Evening all!

bl4-peach pie!!!! Yummy! That is my favorite pie of all time!

TO-loved the funny post! I laughed so hard!

CC-You pictured my set up almost exactly! The car port is completely enclosed one three sides and has the door that leads into the garage. My Hen Pen is in deed a run that is 4hx8wx16L. It has a 4 ft opening that I have a dog ex-pen attached to that actually goes into the car port so the girls can get out of the rain. The run goes outside. The ex-pen works really well in this heat and I have a fan that the Girls hang in front of to help cool them off and the snooze and dust bathe in front of it! It is very basic and strange in a way, bit it works for the moment! I have never had a "real" coop! I never needed one-so this is a new adventure for me! I had a huge chicken aviary- type coop back in Cali, but it never got that cold so they did not need to be enclosed by four wood walls. Plus I had a boat load of chickens so they kept warm very well. I have never had chickens where it gets as cold as it does here!
The coop will actually "live" inside the car port and I want to place it right in front to the run with a chicken door going from the coop going into their run. I am looking for coops that also have a run of their own so the Girls can either roam under (or next to) the coop or travel outside in the run.
It would be a lot of work to completely enclose the car port and I'd have to remodel it to get better air flow/ventilation and light. At that point, I'd probably have to pull permits to fix the car port!
I really like your shed. I may just have to look at one to see if it might work without to much modification. I think a couple of ladders for perches and a "wall" type nest box might work.
You have given me food for thought!

well, dh wants me to look at a coop he found....
TO -
or or how about, I used to have goats till one time when I had to work out of town and DW had to take care of them, when I got home I was goatless?! I never did ask where they went!

ok the kids are trying to make a buck (or $200) IDK? but they are doing most everything around the house lol works for me!

BL4 those older calls that we got from you have flown the pen lol they were out and about all day. I just took down the fence to their coop hopefully they go "home" tonight, actually IDK why they would, they haven't yet, they sleep in their pool.

Bomb time for those flees

biospot is cheep but it works here

my dogs eat raw eggs too, if I drop one I just pick up the shell and they lap up the rest lol heard it's good for their coat?!

speaking of goats, can they/do they/SHOULD they eat pickers?

dornes I
your pics! do you have a big fancy expensive camera?

DS7s bday is this weekend and he is on google looking at cakes. he has told me like 50 different times what cake he wanted his cake to look like. he must have found the ONE cause now he's in paint (on the computer) drawing one up. PRAISE GOD he picked an easy one! lol all I have to do is make the cake and put land, sand and water on it, and he's gonna put his lego people on it. lol It will be cute. He is my creative one, IDK where he gets it from lol the art teacher at school now was the NEW art teacher when I was in school, she keeps saying that she sees in him what she saw in me lol and now this year he will be homeschooling, just wish we could get some good art classes in??? hmmmm I will think on that one. we'll have to make our own up, the one that is from where I'm getting books from is lame! cut and glue, for a 3rd grader? come on wheres the clay and paint and and and lol I always wanted a potters wheel, hmmm oh CL here I come, never thought of looking there for that.

later bye lol
Evening all, busy day again today- just about finished with our 3 unit this week- should have it finished tomorrow and then onto the 4th one!

HAve 4 chicks total now and they are hanging out in our big garage, thank goodness for that as our Irish Setter has developed severe storm anxiety now and busted out of her crate and was out when we got home- ate the loaf of bread on the counter but our conern is her hurting herself.

Turkeys went in for processing today, we will pick them up tomorrow morning to put in our freezer until we can help the kids get them to the people who purchased them! We ended up with 1 turkey left for ourselves!

DD went to spend a few days with her grandma-we pick her up Friday afternoon, as long as the kids have fun then it's okay with me but I do miss her and the samething when DS(9) goes too! DS(6) isn't ready for it yet maybe next year.

Should go finish chores!

Thanks for the laughs TO!
Well, after hearing about all the *normal* dogs who love to eat raw eggs, I am going to stop babying my English Cockers by making them omelettes and scrambled eggs, by god! It's raw for them from now on!! It's got to be better for them than cooked eggs anyway.
Hello all! Been busy at my externship and havent even checked on here in a couple weeks. I'm not even going to try and catch up. Hope all are well and everyone is happy. Terri- Let me know what your neighbors are thinking when you know, I'm still around.
Gaelio- Cute chicks!

Later Tators I'm off to do some homework.
H&R - what age do you process turkeys? I got some freebies from the coop my parents go to (someone ordered them and didn't pick them up - the coop gave them to my dad, who then in turn gave them to me...)

Raim - yes, my camera and lenses (they interchange) cost a good couple grand
So yes.... it was expensive. But... it wasn't the reason the pics are good.
Just had to put that in there... it took me years of studying to get pics to look like that. I had some doozies when I first got my fancy schmancy camera.
Raim, I keep my calls clipped so they don't fly (well, in theory they should not fly)..... I have only clipped one wing but know I need to do both the next time I clip (one wing worked with the Budgies). I refuse to pinion, I think it is cruel.

Becky I forget, what are you going to school for????

Never did get to the pie tonight... I guess it will keep for tomorrow.

Big Z, anything in the carrot family would work for your swallowtails I would think. They are such BEAUTIFUL butterflies; I plant extra parsley just for them. I never see the black ones flying around though, just the tiger ones.......

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