Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good afternoon everyone! (especially Lori my new "compost friend"!) Yes I do talk chickens...even at the doctor's office and that is where I met Lori!
You will learn tons here at BYC! She came over today to get some of my "black gold" that I am continually offering to folks...always making more ya know?
DD25 just messaged me and said that tonight was a good night for grilled chicken...LOL--it is already defrosted! But I am making it in the oven cause DH isnt home yet...oh oh, speaking of...it is 5 PM already! Better get that chicken in! Later all! Terri O
Terri- I can't wait to get home to play in with the "black gold"...will have to do it with a flashlight since I'm at work til 6...shhhh don't tell anyone what I'm doing..learning all about chickens! I have my chicken coop plans, some of the supplies and working on getting the rest and I should have my city limit of 6 by spring...right now more ambition than money..but working on that too.
Thank you so much Terri- I had a GREAT lunch time at your farm!!
Well all I can say Lori is that at least you have the ambition! So, ya wanna come over on Saturday and help me build that coop?

So the chicken is in the oven with some potatoes and squash...I can sit a while. I looked at my mealworm farm today and *gasp* I HAVE MITES!!! Dam^ it was going so good too! I took all the beetles out and put them in a new box so I hope I eft the mites behind. It says that the beetles can be very dry and the mites need moisture so hopefully they will die and my colony will start up again. My girls LOVE those treats!

Gotta run and finish dinner preparations...later all! Terri O
Evening to Everyone... The wind is picking up here now. good thing I got the plastic on the windows of the small coop. Beautiful afternoon outside today for sure.

Welcome Lori...glad you found Terri...she's the best you know. The cheeseheads are a great bunch of poultry fanciers. We'll show you how to fill that new coop up with peeps. Has something to do with chicken math!

Best Wishes for a good hatch of peeps Ken. Nothing more fun than a broody mom and babies...God is truly good and compassionate and forgiving and merciful!

It was funny that the interview they did with C Ponder (QB for Vikes) before the game said that he learned alot from the first game with the Pack. Guess he got his second lesson Monday night! How did you like the game CC?

Be Safe... bigz
I absolutely loved it, Bigz. Thank you for asking.
I was happy to see the D stepped up & got er done. Now those are the kind of wins I like best: outscore them early so the newbies can come out & have a chance to play. I just hope we can keep it up & stay healthy for the rest of the season.

Deb, I am so sorry to hear about your client. That is never easy, but at least you got to spend a little extra time with her & I am sure she greatly appreciated it. I applaude you in being able to provide such a service and comfort to people in need.

I've been catching up on the reading, but am drawing a blank at the moment. Must be the AAADD thing again. That and my mind has just been elsewhere lately. I lost another PR last night, and not the one that was looking tired. Myrtle is tons better, mingling with the flock today, but Gladys, the gal at the bottom of the pecking order, died unexpectedly. She looked & sounded fine yesterday, but had been getting bullied so I put her in with the banties yesterday, only to find her toes up this AM. I spent a long time out there today observing, but no odd behavior or sounds out of anyone. No signs of any creepy crawlies either. I just gave the coop a very thorough cleaning this weekend, and we got them all set up for winter too, so there are no drafts. It is a bummer not knowing why, but if the rest of the flock stays healthy over the winter, I just might have an excuse to get a few chicks come spring. Ya think?

Lori! Always happy to hear from another cheesehead & chicken lover. Hope you like it here.

Well, I'd better feed these kitties & get to bed. Didn't get that much sleep last night since I stayed up to watch the game. I heard ya cheering too, TO!

Stay warm and sweet dreams, all!
My silkie has an egg "due" tomorrow or the next day.... I really hope it hatches. She had two eggs up until Saturday, and of course I was out of town (my husband was here to care for the chickens, but of course saw nothing...), so I have no idea how one mysteriously disappeared. I'm worried it may have been eaten by something, because also she used to be sitting on the egg in the left corner of the coop and was co-sitting with my little red frizzle hen and black frizzle rooster, but when I checked them when I got home tonight she was in the right corner by herself, the red frizzle was in the center of the wall, and the black frizzle was in the left corner. All seem fine, it's just weird... And also all the rest of the chickens were roosting in completely different places than normal. This always tends to happen when I'm gone, though.

Anyway, on the chance that her egg doesn't hatch does anyone in Western Wisconsin have chicks? I just want one or two to make the mama happy if this egg doesn't hatch. Don't care what breed.

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