Witchcraft thread

Oh my god look this probably isn’t what you’re after but the first thing that came to mind was to write a short story about when I was a kid… I was probably only 3 or 4, this is one of my earliest memories. We had chickens and occasionally the fox would get them (or get some of them). We would bury our chickens or whatever remnants there were behind the chook shed. One time it was around Halloween and the council was doing work on the water mains so we didn’t have water for a time. Mum knew this but my brother and I did not. And of course we’d lost some chickens recently. Anyway it was time for our bath (we were young enough to be sharing) and Mum brought us both into the bathroom and turned the tap to run the bath and the taps and plumbing started shuddering and shaking and making this awful screeching noise, then this red-brown water started spurting out of the tap. My mum turned to us and said, “It’s the blood of the chicken ghosts, come to haunt you on Halloween!” My brother and I started screaming and crying and ran out of the bathroom. I can still remember it clear as day. Apparently Mum didn’t think it would scare us so much.
If you can turn it into a cute story, that would be perfect!
I ran it through Tudybot. Tell me if it’sok
Once upon a time, in the hazy recollections of my early childhood, there exists a memory that forever etched itself into my mind. At that tender age of only 3 or 4, our humble abode was home to a lively flock of chickens. Yet, from time to time, an elusive fox would stealthily snatch away one or two of our feathered friends, leaving us with fragmented remnants of what once was. The customary response was to bury these remnants behind the chook (chicken) shed, bidding farewell to their restless souls.

As fate would have it, this particular incident occurred when Halloween was just around the corner. Coincidentally, the local council had undertaken water main works, rendering our dwelling devoid of water for a short period. While my astute mother was aware of the situation, my brother and I remained blissfully ignorant. The recent loss of a few cherished chickens further heightened the air of mystery and suspense.

The time for our nightly bath had arrived, and in the spirit of youthful camaraderie, my brother and I were accustomed to sharing this domestic ritual. Guiding us eagerly into the bathroom, our mother turned the tap, expecting the water to fill the tub and wash away the day's remnants. However, an inexplicable phenomenon soon unfolded before our eyes.

In a disconcerting crescendo, the once-docile plumbing erupted into raucous vibrations, causing the entire bathroom to reverberate. The sounds emanating from the pipes evoked an ear-piercing screech, generating an unnerving atmosphere. Suddenly, to our astonishment, a ghastly reddish-brown liquid began spurting from the tap with an eerie intensity.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, my mother seized the moment to weave an impromptu tale. Turning her attention to my brother and me, she declared in a hushed tone, "It's the blood of the chicken ghosts, awakened on this fateful Halloween night, determined to haunt and torment you." The intended jest took an unforeseen turn, as her words triggered an overwhelming surge of fear within our young hearts.

Shrieks and tears instantaneously filled the room as my brother and I, stricken with terror, scampered out of the bathroom in frenzied retreat. To this day, the memory remains vivid, engraved in my mind's eye, despite the passage of time. In retrospect, it was a moment my mother, in her motherly carelessness, had not anticipated would unleash such an indelible wave of fear upon us.
I want to make these today

And soul cakes :p

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