Witchcraft thread


Boy is that a loaded a word! In the West witchcraft is often characterized as cannibalistic old ladies having orgies with the devil and practicing black magic to curse people or do evil deeds. This was apparently a way to explain the evil in the world and it’s quite prevalent in other cultures too.

Witchcraft is traditionally the manipulation of events or people through the use of the supernatural or magic. This may, or may not, include the use of herbs, crystals, or even manmade objects to accomplish a goal. There need not be any god involved.

A witch bottle or jar for protection is a good example. It might contain nail or hair clippings from each person in the house. There may be herbs, rusty nails, bent pins, crystals, etc included. These are meant to protect the family members from harm. An incantation (prayer) is said as the jar is assembled. Once sealed, the jar may be buried under or around the house. It might be left in the back of a cupboard the whole time the family lives in their home. Terrifying no?

A witch bottle for banishment might include similar items, but with nail or hair clippings from the person you want to stay away. It could be anything that symbolizes that person though, their picture or the ring you got from a former spouse. The goal isn’t to harm the other person. It’s to get that person out of your life forever so you aren’t hurt by them any longer. The incantation (prayer) is said, the bottle or jar sealed, then often buried, sometimes far from home, as a symbol that you want that person away from you.

Witchcraft is similar to many religions. Prayer can be seen as the incantation a witch says. The Catholic Church uses a censor with incense during ritual to create sacred space. Many Pagans do the same, although not all use incense for this purpose, ie Heathens use fire. There is sacramental bread and wine. Wiccans will often have cakes and wine as part of their ritual. Scandinavian Pagans had feasts.

In my research for this topic I actually found instructions on how not to pray in a witchcraft like way. It was an interesting read and I didn’t have a problem with most of it. Until I got to the part on how to pray for a persons salvation. I have a huge problem with that. A prayer said for someone who doesn’t want it is a curse.

The witch hunts of the renaissance period should be mentioned here as well. The modern image of a witch with a crooked nose and green skin and ugly, bent fingers permeates our society. Many years ago I read a short essay by a modern witch that addressed this image. People who were thought to be witches were often tortured. Their bones were broken, their bodies bruised and their living conditions filthy. By the time these people were put to death, after being paraded through town on the way, they would look horrific. Those bruises would be in various stages of healing, often green and yellow are the last colors of healing bruises. Bent, grotesque fingers and noses were broken and hadn’t been set to heal properly. Their voices were ragged and broken from screaming in pain and people often confessed just to make it stop.

There is evil in the world, both secular and religious. One only needs to read history to find that it’s true. Of course there is evil in Paganism as well; the racists who flood Heathenry with their vile ideology come to mind. There are plenty of people who use love potions to wrongfully bind another.

I often wish four flat tires on the jerks out on the road. It’s not nice, but sometimes people deserve it. If they had four flat tires they couldn’t drive and potentially hurt someone with their terrible driving habits. Does that make me evil? No, it makes me human. I don’t invoke God to damn them though. How many times have you heard that one?

Edited for content that was possibly inflammatory and my opinion.
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