Witchcraft thread

Yeah that's fair,
The current reasons I don't want kids is carbon footprint, and the physical cons + risks
I hear a lot of mothers talk about how dehumanizing it is to have kids so that scares me too, I want to be my own person and not just a mom in other peoples eyes
Ignore the carbon footprint thingie, that's a whole other argument.

But yes, for awhile, you become "that's Jeff's Mom, or, there's Eric's Mom" 🤣 it'll just be another piece of who You are as a person.

Either way, not something you need to worry about now 😊
Well, like you said, yes I am young; And currently I would never want kids in the future.
Though, can I speak for the future? No :p
I might change my mind, I might not
I can understand that! I had the same doctor when I delivered both my kids and he asked me three times if I was sure I was done having kids (I had them both before I was 25) and wanted my tubes tied. I had it done before I left the hospital after my son was born. If I could change my mind and never have kids, I might have made that decision. I love my kids and my grandkids, but this world is not a place I like for them to live in.
Well, like you said, yes I am young; And currently I would never want kids in the future.
Though, can I speak for the future? No :p
I might change my mind, I might not

I want to be my own person and not just a mom in other peoples eyes
This is my opinion/experience about having kids.

I knew from about age 12 (before I even started having periods) that I did NOT want to have kids. A friend of mine in school told me, in a very matter-of-fact voice, "Oh, you'll change your mind." Sometimes I think I didn't to spite her.

No, not really. I KNEW I did not want to have kids. I did a lot of baby sitting during high school, and had great kids to watch, and not-so-great kids. I told my mom that I hoped she'd be happy with the grandkids she got from my sister and brother, as I wasn't having any. She said, wistfully, "Oh, but you could have a little girl like Stephanie..." (one of the sweet kids I watched). I answered, "Yeah, and I could have a little boy like Mike (my psychopath cousin). She answered, "Good point," and never mentioned having kids to me again.

[This cousin is a whole 'nother topic; suffice to say that I am truly glad he does not walk this Earth anymore.]

I knew from an early age that I wanted to have a career, and that was more important to me than having kids. As I told people, "You can get a divorce. You can surrender a pet if that relationship isn't working. What happens if you have a 3 year old child and realize that having kids was a mistake?"

"Hey, I thought you had a toddler! What happened?"

"Oh, we weren't getting along, so we split up." Society would not look kindly on that.

I've had a coworker say, "You're just too selfish, that's why you don't want kids."

I looked her in the eye and said, "Yeah, but at least I know that about myself and didn't have a kid that I didn't really want!"

Another one said, "What are you gonna do when you're 45 and get lonely?"

I said, "I'll get another dog."

I do NOT think having children is a requirement for someone to "be fulfilled."

Sorry if this is a rant, but I have been on the receiving end of scorn for "being too selfish, being less of a woman," for not having kids.
This is my opinion/experience about having kids.

I knew from about age 12 (before I even started having periods) that I did NOT want to have kids. A friend of mine in school told me, in a very matter-of-fact voice, "Oh, you'll change your mind." Sometimes I think I didn't to spite her.

No, not really. I KNEW I did not want to have kids. I did a lot of baby sitting during high school, and had great kids to watch, and not-so-great kids. I told my mom that I hoped she'd be happy with the grandkids she got from my sister and brother, as I wasn't having any. She said, wistfully, "Oh, but you could have a little girl like Stephanie..." (one of the sweet kids I watched). I answered, "Yeah, and I could have a little boy like Mike (my psychopath cousin). She answered, "Good point," and never mentioned having kids to me again.

[This cousin is a whole 'nother topic; suffice to say that I am truly glad he does not walk this Earth anymore.]

I knew from an early age that I wanted to have a career, and that was more important to me than having kids. As I told people, "You can get a divorce. You can surrender a pet if that relationship isn't working. What happens if you have a 3 year old child and realize that having kids was a mistake?"

"Hey, I thought you had a toddler! What happened?"

"Oh, we weren't getting along, so we split up." Society would not look kindly on that.

I've had a coworker say, "You're just too selfish, that's why you don't want kids."

I looked her in the eye and said, "Yeah, but at least I know that about myself and didn't have a kid that I didn't really want!"

Another one said, "What are you gonna do when you're 45 and get lonely?"

I said, "I'll get another dog."

I do NOT think having children is a requirement for someone to "be fulfilled."

Sorry if this is a rant, but I have been on the receiving end of scorn for "being too selfish, being less of a woman," for not having kids.
My therapist made the comment last time that sometimes we just think we don't want something. Suffice to say, that rubbed me the wrong way.

There are a lot of times that I would honestly love to have like 6 or 7 kids. But naturally requires things I'm not going to do, fostering is almost impossible unless I am married at the very least, likely including a change of my daily life plan (and I wouldn't be opposed to fostering, honestly) and adoption is impossible due to costs (yes, I know kids cost a lot as well, but the places I've seen that actually don't make me wary all are 70-120K, and medical bills at least can sometimes be paid on a plan, not all up front.

Plus then I also think that why would I want to bring kids into this world. Maybe its nilistic, but it's not going to get better where I live, why would I purposely make people that I love that then have to also live in this place

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