With B-day $$ in hand-I am off to buy supplies to build 1st incubator!

lil'chickies :

What about one of those brass wheel wafer thermostat switches instead on a hot water heater switch? Has anyone used on of those?? What can you use instead of a pc fan?

I am actually going to look at both of those for temperature. I am not sure just yet which one I will use. I know members on here use both.

I don't know what else to use in place of the pc fan??? Does anyone else know?​
What in the world is a water wiggler and it's purpose. I am going to follow this thread closely, I want to build my own incubator as well. Scouring the coop design page right now, see that water wiggler thingy and can't figure it out!!
Yea, I know I am loosing a lot of heat through the plastic, I have it insulated as best as I can with bubblewrap and blankets

I am using a hot water heater thermostat because I have read of many failures of the wafer type, and could not find a failure of the h2o one.

a couple of pictures for inspiration

the water wiggler is the orange looking turd sitting on top of my eggs on the left. Use it to estimate the temps inside the eggs. They are toys sold for kids. They are like chinese finger traps made of water and plastic.
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lil'chickies :

What about one of those brass wheel wafer thermostat switches instead on a hot water heater switch? Has anyone used on of those?? What can you use instead of a pc fan?

Wafer thermostats are better if you have one but there not available everywhere. An some people do not shop on line. A well placed hot water heater thermostat will get the same hatch rates as a wafer. But placement is key.

Any fan that will fit will work. PC fans are cheep, readily available an built to run 24/7. That's why there usually used.​
lil'chickies :

What in the world is a water wiggler and it's purpose. I am going to follow this thread closely, I want to build my own incubator as well. Scouring the coop design page right now, see that water wiggler thingy and can't figure it out!!


Ya put a thermometer in to to get an idea of egg temp not air temp​
I see now. I have a wafer thermostat that I had for a brooder I ended up not using. I can get them here easily. Now scoping for other things needed. I'm getting a dirty look from hubby on this one!! Lot's of eye rolling as well!!
Here is the total amount I spent today.

hot water heater thermostat $7.57
lamp kit $5.96
25 watt light bulb (pack of 6) $2.32
foil pan (set of 3) $1.47
non-skid shelf liner $3.97

Total $21.29

The only thing I couldn't find was the water wiggler. I will keep looking.

I plan to begin assembling tonight or tomorrow. I will post pics soon!
I suggest haveing a 40 watt bulb on hand as well just in case but the lower watt the better if youc an pull it off that way if the thermastat is a bit wonky its more likely to be cool then warm wich is less dagerous to the eggs for small amounts of time . Just MO
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I had a 100% (ok so it was one egg but set one egg one egg hatched so there:p)
and a 90something percent hatch (set 14 eggs 13 hatched) in my homemade stryobator that I used for a hatcher.
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