WOAH! Wait?! What?

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Well !!!

I'm not scared of Terrilacy! And I think to hypnosis her is the best way.
There has been way too much of this "gifting" going on. Nobody knows
who to blame. It has to stop!!! Stop, I say.

But since it was my ideal...I get to volenteer someone to actually hypnosis
our fair leader. Someone she won't expect. Don't worry..she can't be expected
to read all the posts people make every day. She won't even see this plan coming.

Now, who here looks the most like a duck? Or a goose, or whatever that
thing is she carrys around?

Besides all that, Farmboy, Laurajean, Imp, Em, Eeenie...Dunkopf...we don't
really want Kristy digging in our closets looking for clues. That's were we keep
our skeletons. Remember? Some things are best left buried where they are.

She might be slow, but she isn't that slow.
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I don't know Spook, ten days is pretty slow....

And it's a goose! I know, I was set straight on that when I called it a duck! It's even got a name....

I vote eenie gets thrown to the wolves.... err I mean gets to hypnotize our mighty Terri... eenie doesn't look much like a duck, but she's the youngest and cute, so maybe she could survive when us old ones couldn't run fast enough to escape if things go wrong.
Just sayin'
You might have something there, Farm Boy.

Eenie could be a good choice....she's already been walking in
some sort of funny lookig disguise...she's been wearing a Christmas
wreath on her head for the past week. Looking kinda funny, and all.

And I do think she's the youngest...probably the fastest.
HEY! I'm still HERE! Stop talking about me in third person . and i am NOT slow

just easily distracted
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Well, I used to smoke, not a pipe though. And I haven't waxed in a long time, so the 'stache is quite debonair.

But sorry, It wasn't me

And who do you suggest we use for our bait, Miss Em?

I thought that was why you had your minion all dressed
up like a Christmas wreath? Terri would see the rest of us
coming...unless maybe we had a piece of bait wearing a fake
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