Wobbling Eggs Stopped


7 Years
Aug 29, 2012
It's day 22 and our 3 wobbling eggs have piratically stopped!!! They started wobbling Friday evening and were wobbling often. We have yet to hear any peeping too. Is it possible that the decrease in wobbling is them resting and getting ready to pip? Do they rest before piping or do they rest once they pip? Or both.... We are starting to get worried... :( When we candled them before lock down all 3 looked good, full and the air cells looked right. I hope someone has some advice... I hope this doesn't mean bad news........
It's day 22 and our 3 wobbling eggs have piratically stopped!!! They started wobbling Friday evening and were wobbling often. We have yet to hear any peeping too. Is it possible that the decrease in wobbling is them resting and getting ready to pip? Do they rest before piping or do they rest once they pip? Or both.... We are starting to get worried... :( When we candled them before lock down all 3 looked good, full and the air cells looked right. I hope someone has some advice... I hope this doesn't mean bad news........
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/step-by-step-guide-to-assisted-hatching you are probably at the candle and tap stage, to check viability.... have your temps been a tad low? have your thermometers been calibrated too? https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hatching-eggs-101
Hi tad!!

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