Wobbly pullet.


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2016
Hi guys

Just wondering if someone could help me out.

I have a flock of 8 mixed breeds which are about 14wks old. Today I noticed that one of my light Sussex girls is having some issues keeping upright. She seems to be wobbly and generally walking backwards then eventually falling over. She doesn't seem to be able to be upright for long at all. It's come on all of a sudden and her crop did look a little bit sunken but after a good massage it feels fine now. The only recent change was a muck out yesterday and I'm wondering if she's gorged on some hay??

I'm a bit concerned about mareks naturally however I was told they were vaccinated as day olds (I'm hoping this is true) but then I'm also led to believe it's not 100%

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks
I wou
Hi guys

Just wondering if someone could help me out.

I have a flock of 8 mixed breeds which are about 14wks old. Today I noticed that one of my light Sussex girls is having some issues keeping upright. She seems to be wobbly and generally walking backwards then eventually falling over. She doesn't seem to be able to be upright for long at all. It's come on all of a sudden and her crop did look a little bit sunken but after a good massage it feels fine now. The only recent change was a muck out yesterday and I'm wondering if she's gorged on some hay??

I'm a bit concerned about mareks naturally however I was told they were vaccinated as day olds (I'm hoping this is true) but then I'm also led to believe it's not 100%

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

I am not sure but I would isolate her if you can,maybe get her inside with a heat lamp
Some slight moult. They've only really just gotten all of their adult feathers but have lost a few given the change in season. Could this have something to do with it? Thanks again
Some slight moult. They've only really just gotten all of their adult feathers but have lost a few given the change in season. Could this have something to do with it? Thanks again
sorry I just realised she is a bit young to have had a big moult. She is getting regular fresh water with nothing in it? Again I would separate for a while
What breed is she?
Can you post photos or a video?
Walking backwards can be a sign of a neurological/developmental disorder or possibly a vitamin deficiency. I would give her a vitamin E and the mineral selenium daily. Poultry Nutri-Drench contains both of those, and give her 1/2 ml by mouth daily, and dip her beak into water as much as possible. If you can't find Poultry Nutri-Drench, then use Save-A-Chick or other vitamins with electrolytes, and give her a little egg daily for selenium. Adding some water to her chick starter this may get her to eat and drink better.


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