Woke up to snow!

I wish I was seeing snow at this time of the year. Here in Florida the highs today were about 93. I also got sunburned today.
Snow is melting fast, this afternoon only little patches left - the rest is a muddy mess... We got all the way up to 40 this afternoon.

We're supposed to get sleet/snow/rain tonight and tomorrow, its going to be a dirty muddy poopy mess outside. (I need to get muckboots for the dog!)
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Good golly you guys are getting snow early this year. Its been unseasonably warm here, but they are saying a cool front is coming down. Hopefully that will get us down to usual fall temps, highs in the 70s instead of 90s.
Well, I caught the weather last night. It seems we are going to have one long and bad winter this year due to the either La Nina or El Nino off of Central America. I can not remember which it is that cause us here in the US to get real wet weather and real bad winters. It only comes around once in awile and the other is around most or the time. Will have to look it up since my memory is faulty used to knnow this when I lived in FL.
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It is supposed to bee 100 degrees or so for the rest of the week. I might need to go get my jacket on.

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