Wolf Roleplay

Doe nodded "Your wounds are healing, but no fights for a while." She said half playful half serious. "Don't be angry at yourself Cleo, you need proper training to fight. Once you are healed ask Iceheart to pair you with a mentor."

"Ok," Cleo mumbled. She knew Doe was right and rested her head on her paws.
Jaman decided he would go and meet the pup he would be training. He walked to the pups den and looked around. "Which one of you pups is Jet?" he smiled.

Jet jumped up happily, "I am!"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Jaman." he smiled. "I'll be training you. I think we'll start training the day after tomorrow since tomorrow is the battle with Shadowclan. Is that alright with you.?" he smiled
"Nice to meet you, I'm Jaman." he smiled. "I'll be training you. I think we'll start training the day after tomorrow since tomorrow is the battle with Shadowclan. Is that alright with you.?" he smiled

Jet nodded,"Yes, I'm alright with that. " He was just happy to know he would be training.

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