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Fact is people have more to fear of roaming dogs than wolves.........a pack of dogs kill more than wolves.

Far as them reducing the deer or elk herds that the reason for them...herds of deer get to large for their area , which leads to mast starvation.

one reason more people are kill by deer than any other American animal, because their numbers are out of control.
I do. My neighbor with cattle has a protector donkey, but not because of wolves. It is the coyotes that attempt to kill just born calves while the mother and calf is still vulnerable.

Research studies have shown that in wolf country, the majority of animal losses are due to disease, and those that are lost due to predation are most often lost due to domestic dogs and coyotes. Not wolves. Sure, there is the occasional rouge, but they account for a very tiny percent of actual livestock killed. I trust facts more than I trust hearsay. And here, the deer herd improved in health. Not all hunters and cars can remove the overpopulated deer, especially since hunters only target animals in their prime. A wolf will take a healthy deer if need be, but prefers the sick, lame, and elderly if available. The food chain needs apex predators to do their job.

I for one am glad they are back after the untold slaughter of former years. That wasn't population control, that was outright elimination. And many people believe still that wolves eat the faces of children on a regular basis and other nonsense. Nope, you and your livestock have more to fear from Fido than they do the Big Bad Wolf.

Wolves are in yellowstone..........yet more people are killed there by guess what.........Bison but that no reason to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Wolves have their place in the wildlife...do their numbers need control ,yes in some places.

Restocking them ,just like the Bison...is a good thing ,just to bad we have a few that is to late like the passager Pigeon ,which number in the billions..We as a people need to protect others from the same faith. sure we may lose a few birds or other animal...sure we will raise many replacment for those lost.

Reason we have laws to protect the wildlife these days......IMO those breaking those laws, fine the heck out of them, yes jail time too.
Perhaps it is time for the federal government to dump a bunch of wolves in Ohio.

Here in Arizona they dumped a bunch of Mexican wolves. Then they threatened everyone with prison if they killed one. The federal government doesn't give a dooley for the people, but they really love those darn wolves. We are just here to do the work and pay the taxes.

People here often live in isolated, unprotected areas. Is a wolf going to risk getting hurt taking down a big mean elk, or is it just going to hide in the bushes waiting for the school bus to drop off a kid or two?

There was a reason these creatures were eliminated.

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I would rather have a pack of wolves here in Ohio than all these dumb stray dogs killing everything. What eliminated any animal that gets in the way of man.....for REAL.

Oh try to past the fear of the big bad wolf ,doesn't work.

he is only waiting at grandma's house to eat red ridinghood.
So you would rather have an uncontrolled pack of wolves killing everything than a pack of domesticated dogs? That is nonsense, trading irresponsible dog owners for irresponsible government officials that stock areas with an animal that is obviously incompatible with urban and rural populations and expect the actual folks effected by that poor choice to sit by idly and let them go unchecked that is not reality pal. This is not the pre-man times and some things are just not gonna work. Shall we re-introduce grizzly bears to California? after all they are native there. Ever read the writings of Jedediah Smith? read about his encounters with Grizzly bears in northern California. For that matter read some of the pioneer journals about the wolves they encountered. There is a reason the buffalo do not roam the Great Plains they would trample everything in their way, read the stories about them that describes them when they were spooked and they would run from one state to the other non stop, or lets really get crazy and restore the dinosaurs after all they were here also. This notion that just because they were here means they should be here now to somehow balance a nature that is very capable of balancing itself is ridiculous and unrealistic. When you or anyone in Ohio are ready to give up your land for the wolves you will have my ear.

I would rather have a pack of wolves here in Ohio than all these dumb stray dogs killing everything. What eliminated any animal that gets in the way of man.....for REAL.

Oh try to past the fear of the big bad wolf ,doesn't work.

he is only waiting at grandma's house to eat red ridinghood.
Spent a week in Yellowstone this summer seen buffalo, a few elk not one deer 3 grizzly bears one grizzly bear in the KOA campground eating campers' food and 2 coyotes and the wolves in Yellowstone left or at least most of them the bulk of them died from parvo about 3 years ago the others are down in the ranch lands and in the Lamar valley eating guess what? cattle and sheep. Reintroduction? ya big success story for the government the wolves are everywhere where the government said they would not be and are everywhere the ranchers said they would be.

Deerman, I do respect your opinion about what you believe that wolves should be but please do not be one of the city people that think they know what is best for us that live with wolves, it is not what National Geographic paints it to be.
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I would rather have a pack of wolves here in Ohio than all these dumb stray dogs killing everything. What eliminated any animal that gets in the way of man.....for REAL.

Oh try to past the fear of the big bad wolf ,doesn't work.

he is only waiting at grandma's house to eat red ridinghood.

well i do have my land set aside for native wildlife. Guess you missed my point........wolves have there place.....yellowstone and other places.

man destroy more wildlife ,and have wipe many from the face of this earth.........talking about controlling their number is one thing.....but removing all is just plain crazy.......yes i would let wolves her on my land.......but they need more range than i have. 95% of my land has been set aside for native wildlife for over 20 years......

Strange you post to start this thread wanting information and then post this. What was the purpose of the first post. Do just need somebody to talk to?
I don't mind them being in extremely rural areas. We could treat them just like coyotes in MS when they get too close to people those get exterminated. When a pack gets used to an easy meal at a farmer's cattle ranch every generation within the wolf pack will continue to do so. IF a pack of wolves is doing what their meant to do, eat sick and dyeing moose and elk in rural areas. Leave them alone! For example. We have big cats in our area. BUT they stay in the most rural areas and eat feral pigs, whit tail deer, and turkey. The stay away from people. And that's fine with me! If wolves acted like this there wouldn't be near the amount of stress about them. I've been attacked by what I believed to be a wolf/hybrid that went wild. I shot it just before it reached me it got within 1 foot away literally. Scared the crap out of me. It wasn't afraid of me at all even though I'm 6'5 285. They are dangerous wild animals. Even black bears in east Tennessee are killed when the keep getting into people's things and their population isn't going anywhere.
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