Wondering about my runner


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2020
I have a runner a.k.a Fern who's feathers look puffed out a lot. Could she be sick? She has been this way for about 2 weeks now. Any suggestions? Can't get her to a vet as doesn't seem to be one that sees ducks where I am in the PNW.
Ok, so to make a video appear on here you first have to upload it to youtube or vimeo. Then you copy and paste the link to the video here on your thread and it will magically appear!

To post a picture see the little box on the bottom of this area that youre writing in that has a paperclip and says "Attach files"? You click on that and go to wherever your picture is on your computer or phone and chose one. Once it's downloaded on BYC you chose if you want a thumbnail size of full size and it will be there.
That's what I have been trying to do with the photo. I'll try the video with youtube method.
But neither have I been able to change my avatar? I have a droid so don't know if that has anything to do with it? Put I uploaded it to my MAC and it wouldn't load either? I usually don't have this much of a problem.:rolleyes: Thank you

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