Wondering if anyone believes in reincarnation

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I believe in angels. I think the bird was an angel sent to comfort you.
I love Pine Siskins... really, finches in general. One of the cool things (I think) about finches is that when you do have a flock of them together, it's called a "charm," a charm of finches, like a gaggle of geese or a murder of crows.

We have lots of goldfinches here, and they have a similar undulating flight; that phrase always comes to my mind when I see as group flying together: a charm of finches.
Well, from the astrophysics point of view, there is no new matter that wasn't present at the Big Bang. Matter just changes to a different form. We are all made of stardust. When Ladybird left her previous form, she just went on to a different form(s). Some parts of her became one thing, other parts other things. Who knows whether a bit of her became part of a pine siskin. But the fact is, everything that IS, always WAS, and WILL BE--just in different forms.

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I dont believe in Reincarnation, but I believe that God can do anything. It might have been God sending you a little message to brighten up your day. But if you dont share my beliefs, than this is just Mumbo-Jumbo to you.

Wish I had said that first. That being said, if you do not believe I hope you do before you leave this world. Gonna ask my pastor about the reincarnation thing. Not condemning you by any strech of the imagination I assure you!

Johnnyjack I'm with you !

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I dont believe in Reincarnation, but I believe that God can do anything. It might have been God sending you a little message to brighten up your day. But if you dont share my beliefs, than this is just Mumbo-Jumbo to you.

Wish I had said that first. That being said, if you do not believe I hope you do before you leave this world.

Johnnyjack I'm with you !


I totally agree , Johnnyjack said it true !
Wondering if anyone believes in reincarnation

Since you asked, no, I don't. However, I'm glad the little bird made you feel better and brightened your day. I lost my 12-yr-old dog a few months ago and it sometimes seems like I can still hear his nails clicking on the floor. I'm very sorry for what you're going through and the loss of your friend.​
I think people should believe whatever they want to believe. I say believe what you want and if people disagree, well, they can go fly a kite.

If believing that that little bird was you pup reincarnated and it makes you feel better about losing Lady Bird (what we called my first dog, too
), then believe it. I think it's sweet, really. I believe reincarnation is possible.

I'm not exactly any type of religion and really don't consider myself religious but I wouldn't call myself an Atheist either. I'm spiritual, I guess. Being forced to go to Church for 16 years even though my family lived another life from what they portrayed to the church (and most of the other families did as well) really twisted my ideals.

I don't dislike the church I believe they have good intentions and I'm glad that there people who can believe so strongly in something, and follow that life. I just don't like the hypocrites. I don't recall reading anywhere "love everyone except if they think or believe differently from you".

Everyone has their own take on life and what happens after we die. Some people believe so much that they ridicule, attack and even kill people who disagree with their beliefs. That's something I don't understand.
Well, that's all I'm going to say about that for the sake of not starting a heated debate.
Whether it was her or sent or just a coincidence, it did make my day brighter, and I know that would have made my big saggy friend happy. Then she probably went back to eating or snoozing.
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