Wondering if anyone would trade eggs for B&B Products or Homespun Yarn

I would love some soap is there an unfragranced goats milk or a light one?

I have mixed over a rumpless tufted Araucana, quail eggs, and possibly silkie eggs
Anyone else interested? If I don't take you up with this broody, I'm sure I'll have more soon.
I would be willing to trade as well. I love homemade soap. I have a splash Araucana(tuffs and a tail) over a Buff Orpington, a Rhode Island Red and an Easter Egger that lays a greenish egg.
I can send you a few Araucana eggs. I have a white breeding trio. I don't get many eggs as there are only the two of them. But we could give it a try. I don't need anything, I could just send them to you.

Actually, I will be in Houston with my sis starting tomorrow. So it may have to be later in the month. I tried to send eggs to someone else earlier and just couldn't get it done after the problems with her and the baby. They LOVED the blanket by the way.
People here are great!! I've had people ask how much of my products i'm offering. I'm offering an even trade. Figure in shipping on both items and the value of the products, and there you go. Thanks so much everyone!!
Im looking at all your soaps right now. They look awesome. When I get paid again, I will be ordering a few of them. I do have a question though..on your sugar scrubs, can you make those in the same fragrance as the soap?

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