Wondering if we have a rooster?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 8, 2013
Hello! We are sadly not zoned for a Rooster where i live. I was wondering if anyone could tell if i had one in my bunch or not? What age can you most likely tell them apart. I was supposed to only get hens..but ive been told TSC isnt the best at sexing. . Thank you for any help! if this picture is the greatest.. i have other pics on my profile.. there are 3 darker chicks and 2 light.. im going to assume they are rhode island, and leghorns. .
Oh my goodness! I purchased my chicks from Twin Oaks, local feed store, in my area. We definitely got a rooster( thought I was getting all females) in our group. I bought mine the last Saturday in January of this year and he started to find he crow around the 15th of Feb. It is the cutest sound ever!
If you cannot kept him, take a picture of him and go to your local feed store and post it, you will get more calls than expected for him. I am keeping mine since the laws have changed where I am, but I have had several people offer me money to take him off my hands every time I go to the feed store and get supplies.
Well the picture isn't that great, but the red and white ones are red sexlinks, and if they came from the same bin, the two white ones are roosters. If you can get a close up of them, it would make it easier.
The chickies were in two separate bins.. one labeled Pullets, the other Red Pullets.. Because i am a first time and was thrown into this with NO preparation..I didn't think to ask more questions, at the time i thought the word "pullet" was the breed..you can laugh, its funny..Its decided to snow here in the northeast today. they are outside in a heated cozy coop. When i go out later i will try to take a better pic of them. So if i read your response right, had all 5 been in the same bin, they would be sex-linked, because of color mixes, but that is not the case. here is another view..but ill still go back later and take close ups :)
@ littlekatj Thanks for the advice.. if i do in fact have a rooster i will put a sign up at the TSC, thank you for that tip!

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