Wondering what breed my chickens are!


In the Brooder
May 25, 2016
Hi all,
I got these chickens from a friend of a friend who's neighbor was messing with them, so she had to get rid of them before he hurt them. I don't know much about them. They were 4 months old when we got them and are probably about 6-7 months old now. I'm trying to figure out what breed they might be so I can find out more info like when they might start laying and such. My daughter (5yrs old) has named them the appropriate Whitey, Blacky, and Browny... LOL
Thanks for any input!
I agree that Blacky and Browny are Golden Laced Wyandottes, and also that they are quite a bit younger than 6-7 months.
What kind of comb does Whitey have?

Two Gold Laced Wyandottes and a Delaware. There is some chick down through the head and neck, so likely about 6 weeks old. Too young to guess gender yet. None are obvious cockerels at the moment.

This is a more up to date picture of them and each individual. I've had them since May 30th and they said they were 4 months old at that point. But that's why I'm trying to figure it out. LOL
Here are pictures from this morning of each of them individually...I have had them since May 30th and I was told they were 4 months old at that time. Whitey look really small in this picture but he really isn't.


I agree you have two gold laced Wyandottes and a Delaware, all female.

If the pics in the first post are around when you got them, they look about 2 months there. So they'd be about 4 months now, which is what they look like. So, another 2ish months for eggs.

The names are just perfect. I grew up with a family dog named Warmie, cause the 5 year old said "She's so warm and cuddly"....so Warmie it was

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