Wonky chick, wobbly and one eye closed!


Jan 15, 2018
Hi all, I’ve been looking after a neighbors chooks this last week and while away for Christmas, her partner looked after them. Mumma chook had three eggs due to hatch (terrible timing while owner away) and when I left Christmas Eve two were pipping. One born Christmas Eve night, one Christmas Day and sadly third one was a failed hatch when I took over chicken duty again today. This morning the owners partner said both chicks were apparently all ok but this evening when I got back there one wasn’t doing well. Kept flopping over on its back, has one eye closed and it’s beak is slightly not lined up (like jaw slightly dislocated?). Wondering if it’s been injured by mum. Felt all over it and didn’t seem to be in pain, nothing out of ordinary apart from eye and beak. teaspooned it water and seemed to drink ok with a tiny bit of mash, but yeah just can’t stand or eat. Cheeping away so hopefully good sign. Not sure what to do. It has been hot here so maybe heat stress, but I’m more thinking an injury or a neurological problem? Will be back early in the morning so hoping it’s ok but I just don’t know. Thoughts?
Can you post some photos?

I'm sorry the chick is not doing well.
Knowing your location would be good (country/state). You mention it is hot, so I'm thinking you are in Australia?

Do what you can to get the chick hydrated. If you have some poultry vitamins like Poultry Nutri-Drench or Nettex Nutri-Drops I would give the chick 1-2 drops direct dose every day for a week.

A beak that is slightly misaligned sounds like cross/scissor beak which is usually genetic deformity. It's very possible the chick has some other things going on with it developmental/genetic or neurological wise that can't be corrected.
If it's with Mom, could be it got stepped on or injured as well, you just never know.

You may need to separate the chick and place her in a brooder with her own heat source and food/water to see if she improves.
Thanks for the reply, I’m in tolmie, a small town in Victoria, Australia. Been there this morning, no change. Is taking a bit of water from a spoon. Pics and videos below. Going to be like 35 today so really concerned
Unfortunately work full time and don’t have a brooder, going to be worried about it all day
Such a sweet little thing:love
Thank you for the videos.
Do what you can to get some fluids into her. If you don't have poultry vitamins you can give her a little sugar water or electrolytes. Crush 1/4 tablet of human B-Complex into her wet mash or see if she will eat a little soft cooked egg.

The legs - it's hard to tell, are they splayed or spraddled? Is Mom keeping her warm or rejecting her?

A brooder can be a simple plastic tote or large cardboard box to contain her. Line it will a puppy pad (these work great to catch poop and birds have traction). For warmth you can use a heating pad and old towel, if you don't have heat lamp.

I hope she makes it. Please keep us posted.
Mum is still keeping her warm which is good, will try sugar water tonight. Hoping for the best! Legs seem normal just really wobbly and trembles.
Is there any way you could get human vitamin B complex tablets and crush one into the water? Or any baby vitamins? Liquid baby vitamins can be used 2-3 drops daily. Hoping the baby chick improves.
Still going as of this evening, not any better but not any worse. Have no idea if it’s eaten or drunk itself today, spood fed it some water/chick starter/watermelon smooshed up. Talking like 1ml. Produce shop didn’t have electrolytes, human ones ok? I’ll have to see what I can get b vitamin wise

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