Wonky duckling help.... Please


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 22, 2010
Hey everyone. I'm new here and came across this site whilst I was looking for help. I bought 2 chicks 4 days ago but whilst I was there the lady had a duckling with a crooked neck and a splayed leg. He had hatched that morning and she was going to wring his neck. Needless to say I ended up bringing him (or her) home! I have sorted out the cage and brooder with him with the chicks and made the floor non slippery. He is getting around ok albeit a bit slowly and hobbly. He snuggles up with the chicks albeit them half on top of him!! I just wondered if anyone had any experience of the longer term complications of deformed ducklings and if there's anything I can do to help him have a good happy life etc.
Any info or advice is welcomed. I will mention it to my vet when I see him this week about my parrot but don't want to stress the duckling, affectionately named wonky, out by taking him the 45 min drive there until he's older unless absolutely necessary.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing any advice

Sometimes vitamins can help...especially if there was a nutritional issue during development. Poly Vi Sol for birds in the water can help. So can a little raw apple cider vinegar and brewer's yeast.
First of all

I think you've started him having a happy life by giving him a chance! I know you can help to treat splayed leg, but the crooked neck I'm not understanding. Do you have pictures? If he can get around and eventually swim, eat, run...he should have a happy life. If his body is dragging on the ground and he can't eat because of his neck...well...he should be culled.

I have kept 2 deformed chicks...one black silkie w/ severely deformed feet (she walks on the "tops" of them) and another with a massive crossbeak. The crossbeaked pullet (Carl!) died a few weeks ago. The silkie gets around just fine, but she doesn't roost. I think she is having a happy life. The other chickens leave her alone, and she has a few friends that she mingles with. She is now almost 7 months old.

If you can, take a pic and post it. We'd love to see your little duckling.
I have a few photos but not sure how to put them up on here. Thanks for the reply I'm interested in how to fix his leg. He can eat and sometimes walk ok, just appears weak and wobbly. I've been trying him in a bucket of water as physio too but making sure he's dried and warm. He seems ok just a bit wonky and follows the chicks around.


I'm afraid I don't have any advise....I'm sure others will be more able to help than I....
I just wanted to commend you for giving this little girl or guy a chance.

Best of luck!
Following the advice of people who have had crooked neck ducklings I have started mine on a supplement of vitamins. This has apparently helped cure many previously. It's been suggested I splint the legs with bandaids but I'm not sure how that will affect him so until I'm 100% sure will not attempt this. I am seeing my vet tomorrow and will seek his advice. I will keep you posted and any advice is welcomed as I want to give this littl'un the best chance of a happy life possible.

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