Wont eat eggs because of rooster?

I understand your dilemma in dealing with the unknowing public. I had a friend whose wife would not eat eggs which came from a local farm. (Apparently, she must have thought that the eggs in the market were produced by a machine behind the cooler! LOL) You can buy an LED candler from Amazon and candle all your eggs. That's the same procedure that the retailers use. Advertise them as candled eggs. That will prompt questions and you can then state that your eggs have gone through the same pre-sale process that commercial eggs do, but that yours are probably at least a month fresher. I will be adding 8 chicks to my flock in a month or so, so I will be in the same situation as you. More eggs than I and my family can consume.
You can't help it if your friends are idiots. You might tell them if they go to Trader Joe's they can buy fertilized eggs. My mother was willing to pay extra for fertilized eggs. I never understood that, either.
Ok I will start doing that. I was really only all that because my family is paranoid it seems about these eggs and was hoping that would encourage them to at least try them not being so "icky". It would probably be for the best to trim the flock back to the original three. I love my chickens and a few of the nine additions are super friendly and ride around on my arm so it's heart breaking.
Ironically, there’s also a health food cult that thinks that fertilized eggs are healthier for you... you just can’t win with people that are so far removed from the food source they don’t know what eggs are.
Ok I will start doing that. I was really only all that because my family is paranoid it seems about these eggs and was hoping that would encourage them to at least try them not being so "icky". It would probably be for the best to trim the flock back to the original three. I love my chickens and a few of the nine additions are super friendly and ride around on my arm so it's heart breaking.
Sadly, there is no way to educate people that choose to believe in silly fairytales and prefer to stay ignorant. Just keep the eggs for yourself and your chickens to enjoy. Maybe you could sell some of the hens and keep just four and the rooster.

Makes me wonder if or how they eat eggs at all, as these eggs would have come out of the same orifice cloaca/vent the chicken poop is expelled ...
Thank you everyone for your responses. I am glad I am not the only one dealing with this ridiculous situation.

I work part time in a pet store and have heard some crazy things people believe about animals . It's just so annoying that if I use any of these eggs in a meal or dish they won't eat it. I love chickens as pets. They are so funny to watch and each have distinct personalities. 😄 I will just let those who insist on buying from the grocery store do their thing. I will cut the flock back to the original trio plus one maybe. I am going to boil any surplus and feed it back to the hens and to the dogs and cats.
It's just so annoying that if I use any of these eggs in a meal or dish they won't eat it.
Their loss. ;)

It seems that people nowadays come up with the strangest nutritional eccentricities, whether trying to get attention or trying to distinguish themselves from others as more considerate or whatever. :rolleyes:

Wishing you best of luck and enjoy your chickens and their eggs!
Ok everyone I am at a loss I haven't a clue what to do with all these eggs.

I have two leghorn hens kept with one rooster and they (as most leghorns are) are excellent layers. I usually got two and sometimes three eggs in the nest box everyday. I had tons of eggs in the fridge. My coworkers, family and friends all asked for eggs. I expanded the flock and added 9 more layers.

My problem is now nobody wants eggs because they realized the hens are with the rooster! I don't get it. Don't most keep a rooster with their free range flock? They free range and I feel better having the rooster overseeing the flock. I literally have just throw away carton after carton of eggs. I am really discouraged I am considering rehomeing the 9 and staying with the original flock of three so I am not throwing so many eggs away. I thought of donating them but they don't want them either.

Any suggestions please would be appreciative
Ok so that’s what some people misunderstand about chickens,
Nothing can make fresh eggs bad to eat unless eggs are really old, broken or cracked by chicken, or covered in poo,
So to say that some one thinks eggs are bad just because a rooster is with the hens, all that changes is the fertility of the egg, it does not change a thing. Not incubated eggs are obviously bad to eat because they already have blood in them, the same with really Really old eggs.
hope that answers the questions :)
Ironically, there’s also a health food cult that thinks that fertilized eggs are healthier for you... you just can’t win with people that are so far removed from the food source they don’t know what eggs are.
My mother was never a health food nut, but she did think fertilized eggs were better for you. This is probably because she grew up on a farm and that is what she was used to.
I was living in LA and went into a “health food” store. They had brown eggs for $4 a dozen (~1983). I asked the clerk, as I was raised on farms, how they could justify $4/dozen for eggs since it was the chicken’s breed that laid the egg. He made a disparaging comment about his boss’s customers, words to the effect of more money than brains. I assumed he lived on a farm as a kid too...

it’s a new religion.
It seems that people nowadays come up with the strangest nutritional eccentricities, whether trying to get attention or trying to distinguish themselves from others as more considerate or whatever. :rolleyes:

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