Wont' you PLEASE use the nice nest box?

Yeah, I shuffled the shavings around to get rid of the "nest". Then she laid her 2nd one in a different location = no nest required! At least she has been going into the coop for this. At least I think so. In 5 days we've only had 2 eggs. I check the run...no eggs. But I do let them free range the yard (they always end up in the edge of the woods) after work (6pm til about 7:30 when it gets dusk). I hope she's not leaving them outside:barnie
I have a 16 foot long coop separated in the middle , on one side is my Mutts and on the other side a small group of Jersey Giants that are getting ready to lay one of the pullets got into the Mutt pen yesterday and found the box and laid an egg with the others now there are 9 hens and one pullet waiting their turn to use the one box they won't use the other two they just go in and lay in the 12x12 box sometimes two at a time it is funney because they are all crammed in. It would be so easy to just go next door.

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