wood ash, is that safe?

I dumped cool ashes from our wood stove into the run and the hens loved it!! What a great use for the ashes! I've read that this stuff kills any critters that might be infesting the birds so it is basically a cheap insecticide, and pretty safe too. I learn something everytime I visit this site. Thank you!!!
I would be inclined to read the ingredients of the pellets first. If there are any pesticides of any sorts, steer clear of it, otherwise if it is all wood product... sure. Chances are good though that there may be some sort of glue or other compound that holds the material together. Tread Cautiously.
Great, my neighbors with the wood stove will be thrilled to have another use for ashes! It's wonderful how we can turn waste into useful stuff. Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the photos, Birch Run.
Why is a little paper mixed with wood bad ash for chickens? We burn mostly wood in the stove but always get rid of a little paper as well. We figured it is better than trash in the landfill.
I don't know what it does to chickens, but it isn't good for your smokestack/chimney. Leaves heavy creosote residue, which leads to the fire dept. seeing you in your jammies in the middle of the night. Been there, done that, did not get the T-shirt- but did have to move immediately, house gone!
I use just barely enough newspaper to get it started the first day, but that's it. I learned the hard way!
We use newspapers and cardboard for mulch. The small amount of paper that we burn would be junk mail white envelopes, empty paper towel rolls, used napkins, etc. - small stuff.

You are right about chimney fires. DH is very careful. He is on the roof every year inspecting and cleaning the pipe. Ours is an Earth Stove with a metal pipe.
You dumped it in the bush!!!!! Oh!! the waste.
Wood ashes from hard wood that has been burned is excellent in the garden, around dogwood trees and other trees that like an alkaline soil too. Full strength it will kill insect because of its lye content and burn your hands.
But when water is dripped through it and it is mixed with a fat it makes a great soap. Our great grandmothers used it to wash clothes and scrub floors with.
It really is a very useful product. We save ours for the chicken spa

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