Woodland free range hens and ducks getting picked off by fox


Jul 9, 2020
As the title suggests I’m having some fox issues. This has been going on for months with no resolution. I’ve attempted to lure and shoot (nearly successful but must have missed), hired a trapper who caught numerous raccoons which we disposed of but no fox.

Let me say my lowest priority is to build a run for them. They are here in part for pest control which they do well. They have a coop they remain in at night which is quite secure and someone is home most of the time but we have always lost one when both of us are gone at the same time. Today after over a month of no activity it caught my newly laying Easter egger. I am quite angry.

I am beyond caring to attempt non lethal ways and would have no way of doing so. I’m wondering how others who live in rural areas deal with these kinds of pests? I’m open to all suggestions. Several months ago it nearly dragged off my cat who is a tough bastard and was able to get free and up a tree. I appreciate any constructive feedback to help me resolve this problem.
:welcome :frow We are rural on a dead end road. I was tired of loosing birds to predators and stopped free ranging and built huge pens for the birds. I have let the birds out when I'm out working around the coops but my property is mostly open pasture. There is more shade in the pens. Last year my most favorite bird was dust bathing while I was painting on the coops and a fox got her. I set some live traps because several of the neighbors have sold portions of their properties and new people have bought and built homes so we have a huge increase in domestic pet roaming. I have caught a couple of cats in the live traps. In the past I have used leg traps. I had a fox dig under a gate to one of the pens and killed several birds dragging them out from under the gate. I set leg traps and put one of the birds it killed in the middle and caught the fox. I don't mess with the predators unless they kill my birds. The fox that killed my special bird I caught in a live trap. I baited the trap with some old processed chicken that found it's way to the bottom of the freezer. I let the fox take the bait for a few days and then set the trap and caught it. This particular fox had been coming around during the day. Here they mostly roam at night. These foxes were mangy and stinky. I have been seeing another fox for awhile on my game cameras most nights but it hasn't tried to get to the birds. If it does, it will meet the electric wires that go around the coops and pens. Good luck...
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:welcome :frow We are rural on a dead end road. I was tired of loosing birds to predators and stopped free ranging and built huge pens for the birds. I have let the birds out when I'm out working around the coops but my property is mostly open pasture. There is more shade in the pens. Last year my most favorite bird was dust bathing while I was painting on the coops and a fox got her. I set some live traps because several of the neighbors have sold portions of their properties and new people have bought and built homes so we have a huge increase in domestic pet roaming. I have caught a couple of cats in the live traps. In the past I have used leg traps. I had a fox dig under a gate to one of the pens and killed several birds dragging them out from under the gate. I set leg traps and put one of the birds it killed in the middle and caught the fox. I don't mess with the predators unless they kill my birds. The fox that killed my special bird I caught in a live trap. I baited the trap with some old processed chicken that found it's way to the bottom of the freezer. I let the fox take the bait for a few days and then set the trap and caught it. This particular fox had been coming around during the day. Here they mostly roam at night. These foxes were mangy and stinky. I have been seeing another fox for awhile on my game cameras most nights but it hasn't tried to get to the birds. If it does, it will meet the electric wires that go around the coops and pens. Good luck...
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Very interesting that you could get him to go into the trap, I figure most foxes will be hip to the game and avoid it, but if the bait is good enough I guess not. Sure does look small, my red foxes here are nearly twice the size in western PA.

My wife and I were talking about building a decent size enclosure/run:

This will only be a part time thing when we are not home or on vacation as we still intend to free range them when one of us is home.
Use one of your chickens as bait. Then setup some foot-hold traps around the bait. Shoot trapped fox. Assume more than one fox. Keep trapping raccoons and opossums.
I actually had done this before and may try again tonight actually. I figure if I took the shot and missed that fox it wouldn’t fall for it again. It was coming around nightly for a while and after shooting I figured I hit it but then a month later we stared hearing it mess with our cats again. Possibly a second fox but seems much more wary to attempt coming around. I’ve taken nearly half a dozen combined coon and possum thru baiting as well.
Consider getting a game camera or two to see what your predators are doing. The traps provide me insight on where and how to make changes.
Yea I probably need a few of those, I’ve got the one which is adequate but probably need several to really see what’s going on. I’ve come face to face with bear out here a couple times as has my wife, so hoping I can also prevent them from becoming a nuisance. He/she can come around all they want come the fall when hunting season is in but until then hopefully fox is the most I’ll have to deal with.
You can try a rooster if you're allowed to have one where you live. In my experience, your best bet is one that doesn't want to be your friend.
We have three! In fact I’m fairly confident the only reason this fox didn’t make off with the whole flock was due to the roosters. My one, Titan, got his name because I watched him chase off a fox that was trying to attack the hens.

Ive heard others say that a goose is a good guard bird because their weight and temperament lend itself to being able to attack a fox if it came near. Has anyone every had luck with that? A book I’m reading suggests African, Pilgrim or Gray goose since they are still nice to people (usually).

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