Woods Open Air Coop in Record Breaking Cold

I have 10 birds in an 8x12. I'm not subject to the sub freezing temps the rest of the country faces. Yeah California. Mid 20s is the coldest it gets and only for a few hours. It heats to to upper 40s during the day. Having the windows open a crack in my case is okay. It is definitely warmer in the coop, the inside water barely freezes.

I also have another non-woods coop with 10 birds. It has wide open windows on two sides, that don't close at all. Birds do fine there too, but it starts to get a little smelly, where the woods coop remains nice inside.
Both of those breeds, Speckled Sussex and Australorp have single combs.

Single combs are impossible to keep frostbite free if the temps get too low, or the humidity is too high.

Silkies have usually have hidden tiny combs.

You are talking just about frostbite on combs?

Yes, I have only noticed frostbite on the combs of my larger birds. Their toes seem to be pretty good. Their roosting bars are flat 2x4's so they are able to keep their feet warm. With the Woods style coop I have noticed a lot less humidity. In the previous coop I did put a lightbulb in it for warmth but with power outages my fear is that will also create problems of its own.

Today was the first day I noticed it was a little bit smelly in the coop. I need to add some more pine shavings and mix it in for the deep litter method. Before this it was really good! They have stopped going to the lower level because of the cold and absolutely no interest in going outside. I'll have to snow blow some paths for them to walk in when its warmer and there is not another forecast fo snow!


I have been raising chickens for a little over 10 years but still learning.
Update for any interested: record breaking sustained winds today 40-50 mph with wind gusts over 60 mph. Inside of coop? Completely and utterly still.

Frostbite on the BOs' combs has resolved and the ladies are doing well. I am so glad I built a Woods Coop!
Update for any interested: record breaking sustained winds today 40-50 mph with wind gusts over 60 mph. Inside of coop? Completely and utterly still.
Wind was unrelenting all day long, we had a few gusts in the 40mph range, but it mostly stayed under that but sure was up and down.

Yours was even more up and down than ours!


Yeah, I'm a weather geek.:oops:

Glad to hear your FB is doing OK.

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