Woods-style house in the winter



11 Years
Apr 26, 2010
North Eastern Md.
Here are some pics of my Woods style open-air chicken house. I got the idea from a book written in the early 1900's. They had houses like this all the way up through Maine. The front is always open, and the other windows are opened up during warmer weather. The house measures 8 ft. wide x 16 ft deep. I have no problems with frostbitten combs -- there is no frost/dampness inside of the house -- it's kind of dusty. I currently have 11 birds.






That is LOVELY! And very attractive to look at.

Mine have similar exposure to the air, and it seems to be fine. I partially enclose my run in the winter to provide more shelter, but by no means are they "inside" anything.

I'll have to look at the plans and try something like this if and when I ever move to the country.

Very well done.
I think the entire point of this kind of housing is that the birds are exposed to fresh air at ALL times. It was popularly used many years ago, presumably quite successfully. It eliminates stagnant air, and with the constant circulation, the bedding stays very dry.

I'm sure someone else can explain more of the theory behind it. Most heritage breeds from northern climates will thrive in housing like this.
It's a lovely coop, but the lack of an overhang was the first thing that went through my head too...what if you get blowing rain (not this time of year of course...lol).

The coop faces to the southeast. I have not had any real problems with rain blowing into the front. Sometimes in the summertime when all the windows are opened up, I have some rain blow into the house. But not enough to cause any unusually damp conditions. The house drys out fast. Also, the 3ft behind the open front is covered with sand contained by a 2x10 board. The rest of the floor is pine shavings. The overhang is built to design from the plans I got out of the book. That's the way it's supposed to be.
I know it looks kind of wide open, but it's a tight house with no drafts at all. Unless I open the rest of the windows. We have had single digit temps, with over 30MPH winds, You go in that house and can feel no air movement. The chickens seem to love it too.

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