woodstove and dutch oven recipes

From my experiency any crock-pot recipe you can use in your dutch oven. I've only used dutch ovens with campfire coals, we have a soapstone woodstove and it doesn't get hot enough to use a dutch oven on. I always put coals on top and under the dutch oven to even cooking, so not sure how evenly cooking on your woodstove would work, maybe just add a little more liquid.
I cook on my wood stove all the time. I do not have a wood burning cook stove, like I want, I have a wood stove, we heat our house with. I made lasagna, baked cakes, all kinds of stuff. Just gotta watch what you're cooking, to keep it from getting to hot on one side of the dish, and not the other. :lol:what are you looking for?
When we go camping we cook atop our wood (heating) stove. i just cover the top in foil. We have made quesadillas, Fahitas, Even Pizza using the foil as a reflector by 'hooding' the top. Jus looking to see if others have done this.

I was also asking about uniques tasty dutch oven recipes for when we go camping.
I had been cooking on my stove long before I was given this book as a gift...

Grannie Annie's Cooking on the wood stove
Alaskan recipes from family and friends

I could give you a swiss moose steak (of course you can ust any type of meat)

Or BBQ moose...that's a good one

My mother in law made a pizza on a coleman stove, and my husband said it was for some reason the best pizza he ever had.....
She did the same thing, and hooded it with foil.
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i have cooked alot on ours but i must say my favorite thing to make on a woodstove is goooood ol fashioned woodstove perked coffee mmm mmmm mud hehehe
u ccan cook anything on a woodstove really depending opn what kinda woodstove u have just like a regular stove dont really need special recipes just taakes a lil more watchin and time id say ive made everything fro hash and eggs to steaks on ours
I'll have to experiment this year. Not looking forward to having to crank it up. Winter is long here in central NY. Summer is passing very quickly. Ugh! I think I'll look into a dutch oven for this year. Any suggestions. Would a covered roaster with a rack be a good investment for roasting and baking?
Grannie Annie's cookin on the wood stove

In your trusty dutch oven with a lid, place the following:
*1 can tomato sauce or stewed tomatoes, or in a pinch, tomato soup
*1/4 cup vinegar
*3 Tbsp. brown sugar
*1/2 cupWorcestetshire sauce
*1/2 cup chopped onion
*1/2 cup diced green pepper
*2 Tbsp minced garlic
*salt and pepper to taste
Mix well, and add 3-4 lbs Moose Roast**
Cover, and place on the hottest part of the wood stove and let it cook until it falls apart when you pierce it with a fork. Take 2 forks, and shred it while still in the pot

Serve on toasted hoagie buns,sour dough bread, rice, or smashed potatoes.

**This is as it appears in my book, but I have found this recipe to be so versatile...I have used moose, beef, chicken caribou, and Yesterday, I made it with pork.
(We were supposed to have pork chops, and my BIL had mislabled the pkg. It turned out to be a roast. I didn't feel like BBQ, so instead of vinegar and b. sugar, I used salsa, chili powder, and cumin. No set recipe, just dump stuff in to taste.)

She also has a saying in her book, that I love...
"If you don't like something- change it
if you can't change it
Change the way you think about it."

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