Woohoo!!! First egg!!!

Well, now its 3 days later and I'm 3 for three. I'll try to get another pic when I've got a few more.

My little ladies are just over 5 months, they were shipped on July 19 as day old chicks. I've been thinking in terms of months, not weeks. I guess that's the guy in me with no kids.

Someone asked what I was going to do with them... eat them of course. I am anxious to try one, but I would like enough to get a good taste. These eggs are still small, so it may take a few more.

The second egg was about the same size, but much lighter, with no sheen. It also looked like it came out of an old dot matrix printer running low on ink...lol

Today's egg was more even with a slight sheen, but just a bit lighter than the first one. The first was laying in the coop, while the last 2 were in the nest box. I may add a milk crate on its side with a board on top for the ones determined to lay on the floor of the coop. While there were no eggs in the coop today, there was a very nicely built nest in one corner. They did this a few times when it as still warm, but this was the first since. Maybe they got bored since its been raining here all day...lol.

I need to hurry up and find some wooden eggs or even golf balls to put in as well. Hopefully that will keep them going to the nest box.
Wow, I up to 9 since the 30th, with 2 days with 2 eggs, and the 3rd one (the big one) actually being my first double yolk. Color is still up and down, with a few looking like they came out of an old dot matrix printer...

For those that wondered, like me, if they would actually find the nest boxes, yeah they will. I kept worrying myself because I never saw them even pay attention to it other than the one that slept in it a few times. I think I even figured that problem out. I have 2 windows that I cut out of one side of the coop. Added a hinge to each cutout, and hardware cloth to the inside and I have closing windows. During warmer weather they stayed open 24/7. As it got cold, I kept them closed 24-7, other than airing them out some. I noticed that since it stays so much darker inside the coop, if during the ruckus over roosting spots one gets knocked off, she can't see well enough in the dark to get back up. A couple of weeks ago I started leaving the windows open right before dark and only closing them after they've settled down for the night. No ladies sleeping in the nest box since then!!!

Here were my first 7 right before they made it to my belly. The top left is the first one, and the best colored so far. Just below it is the biggest so far, the double yolk-er. The store bought white is for comparison.

That's awesome...congrats! I got my first egg on Tuesday, and am hoping for my second today. Also hoping for my first from some of the other 6 today too!
I'm no expert, but it seems the weather plays a factor when it comes to starting to lay. A lot of people have been complaining about their pullets not laying yet, and now all of a sudden there are tons of different owners reporting the first eggs. I'm down in Greenville, black_fx_35, and our weather is pretty close to yours up around Charlotte. It was cold most of November and December, and after the snow it warmed up, bringing a lot of smiles to new flock owners.

Anyone more experienced have any thoughts on this?

Congrats to all the new first eggs!!

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