Woohoo! My coop is almost done


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 1, 2014
New to all this chicken stuff, BYC has been an awesome help. Took lots if advice and ideas and have definitely caught the bug. I have 11 chicks (6 wks old now). 4 RIRs, 4 Opringtons and 3 silkies that I just got moved into my new coop. My husband helped with the framing, but I did all the rest. We are working on the run this week.

Here it is: still trying to decide on nesting boxes, but I did incorporate a brooder under the roost, which can be accessed from under the removable poop board or from the "my side of the coop. Hope to get it decorated soon.
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Wow! It looks great.You must be really pleased! I didn't make my own but put together a kit. We get our hens on Friday.
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We repurposed a lot and bought a lot. My husband keeps saying that the eggs better be good. Lol

Welcome to BYC!

Wow, very nice coop!! Your chickens will have a very nice home.

If you run into any issues or are not sure on any other building techniques, you can post questions in our Coop and Run Construction forums for lots of great help....


Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Nice coop! I am sure the fresh eggs will be worth it! Be sure to post your coop in the Coops section also.

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