Woohoo! My coop is almost done


Finally finished. Girls love it (especially access to the garden in the rear). Now for some finishing touches and landscaping.
Your finished coop looks really nice. My only concern is the wire fencing on your run. There are a lot of predators that can pass through holes that size in the mesh (weasels, rats, snakes, etc.). I would advise covering the wire with hardware cloth. It is some extra expense, but it will be cheaper than having to replace your flock. Good luck with your chickens.
Thanks Michael. The bottom 2 feet is hardware cloth, they are only out during the day and my dogs are in love with them and watch them almost all day and I work from home. So, so far we seem to be good. Cheaped out a little because my budget almost doubled. Lol.
With this 100 degree weather, I put a old small window ac unit in the coop and now I can't get them to come out unless I have treats. Lol

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