Working on my baby chick! With pics!


7 Years
Feb 21, 2014
This one is getting ready for a foot soak.

Soaking, her name is Pom and she is being such a good little girl!

These are the ouchies that we have been dealing with! I know these hurt! :(

All cleaned up and ready for medication!

All cleaned up and having dinner with bku-kote on!

Pom is a tired little girl!
I'm sure she enjoyed her foot soak though
Mine love it, I use olive oil to massage the feet and get the blobs off
I've never put any cream on after, what goes blu kote do?
Blu-kote disguises an injury so other chickens won't see blood and start pecking because once they do, I guess they don't stop.
It's also an antiseptic so I thought that might help.

Hey Marmite looks so relaxed in his can use gentian violet to disguise any blood is antiseptic too. any pharmacy in the UK can supply it...very cheap...about £1.50 for a months supply.

Do you ever get to bed at night...? Noticed you were online at stupid O'clock like me last night....or should I say this morning!
Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure the Blu-kote has genetian violet in it! I'll double check but I think it does.

Cross your fingers but we decided to let our babies perch with their mommy in the big coop with the rooster and 3 other hens. They have had extended time together and everyone seems to get along. They are about 5 weeks old and Pom, the runt, is already all nestled up under her mommy's wing!

Feet are covered with Blu-kote and from what I can see, they don't look any worse. I sure hope she gets thru all this ok.

I'll post in the morning with the results! :)
I made some homemade blu-kote from mixing honey, blue food coloring, and lemon essential oil together, it worked well the only time I have had to use it. I was trying to make a more natural mixture and found this recipe on another website. The honey has antibacterial properties and helps it stick to the wound and the lemon essential oil is an antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, astringent, anti-inflammatory, and is supposed to have a calming effect.
Well, everyone made it thru the night OK. But I am worried about my little Pom. She just seems to want to close her eyes a lot. Not nearly as active as the other chick's. I have a sinking feeling. She shivers constantly. I was thinking about bringing her in the house and putting her on a warm heating pad. But I only have today off and I don't want to keep her separated from the others for too long. I don't know what to do.

Hey Marmite looks so relaxed in his can use gentian violet to disguise any blood is antiseptic too. any pharmacy in the UK can supply it...very cheap...about £1.50 for a months supply.

Do you ever get to bed at night...? Noticed you were online at stupid O'clock like me last night....or should I say this morning!

Ha I know I'm terrible plus the time difference
With my M.E, I often sleep a lot in the day because I usually feel yeuk then I'm awake in the evenings, early hours
Having mega stressful time at the moment so M.E. Has flared up
Just walking 100 yards to chicken coop floors me let alone cleaning it out!
But in some ways its helping me, its a routine and an interest and makes me happy
Which is definitely the best medicine
I would cage her with a heat lamp, and put her on paper towels or puppy pads for a few days to get her feet healed up. Of course, you will need to add paper towel or change it as her droppings get on the floor. What dosage of sulmet are you using? that is a sulfa antibiotic, and can be toxic if it isn't given correctly. Dosage is 1 ounce per gallon or 7.25 ml per quart given full strength for 2 days, then 1/2 strength for 4 more days.

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