Worm out pill?


May 21, 2010
Hi all.

I bought this wormer pill called Worm-out from a local feed store. The guy said it is from Australia - good for basic worms. Has anyone had experience with this pill? My girl Casino is only 3 pounds. I talked to the vet about it and she seems to think it is fine to use on her.

I was just worried because she has been ill - though I don't know exactly what is wrong with her - and the guy said giving her the pill could knock her down a bit. Should I go ahead and give it to her or wait till she seems more normal again?

I have been posting about her on another thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=347379&p=1

She seems overall - just OK. Nothing obviously wrong with her - just seems not her usual active self. Don't think she has been laying either. Though I read too much handling could cause to her to stop laying. I wonder if that is the problem since I have been taking her home with me many nights. Her feeding habits have been changing too. Still loves the geckos but doesn't like her old favorites anymore like bananas, papaya, bread. I wonder if it is because I started giving her feed. She loves the cracked corn but will eat some of the crumble.

Anyways, if anyone knows about the wormout I'd appreciate the information and feedback.

Thanks!! Hope my girl is doing alright tonight.
Never used worm out but if she is feeling down, it could be the parasites are taking her nutrition and she is starving nutritionally. My thing is....what the heck is "basic worms"?
Are we talking round worm, tape worm, hook worm, pin worm? Are there more "exotic" worms?

If it were me, I'd worm her. But see what the others have to say that have wormed their hens. Or have tried Worm Out.
My first question would be .... what is medication in the pill?

What worms will this particular medication kill ?

Something I would suggest..... Feeding a small amount of cracked corn, so she will eat more of the crumbles.

I have to double check but I think the active ingredients in the pill are Praziquantel and Oxfendazole. I think the package said it did round worms, tape worms, threadworm, and caecal.

Is it hard to give them a pill? I've been doing the antiobiotics in liquid form with a syringe. Wondering if the pill will be awkward to administer.

I'm happy to report as of this afternoon she laid an egg!! I went to check on her after lunch. She came over and was quite hungry - ate some crumble and drank some water. Then she just started to take off into the bushes. So I followed her. She went into a hidden area but when she saw I had followed her she came back out. She started acting like she does when she has an egg - so I provided her with a cardboard box and put some moss in it. She took to it but it took another good hour for her to finally settle on that particular box. But I was so happy to see she finally laid it. The vet had been worried about egg peritonitis and had wanted to do x-rays. Does this mean I can completely rule out any egg issues like egg peritonitis/egg bound/ or ruptured egg? I'm not sure. After she laid she came out and ate quite a bit of crumble and then a little cracked corn. Seemed really thirsty.

Hope she is doing as well tomorrow and continues to lay in that particular box.
Hi everyone,

As of yesterday Casino has laid four eggs and has started sitting on them. I didn't get to see if she laid another one since - the 4 took from Sunday to Monday - one full week.

I still haven't heard about this worm out pill. I'm quite worried about trying to give her a pill. Seems like it would be really difficult.

I was wondering - how much does she need to sit on her eggs for them to hatch? I don't think I want them to hatch so I will probably take them, but I was curious. We have always taken them up to this point. Today she was on and off them most of the day. On more than off. Yesterday she seemed more off than on. I know she has a rooster friend so it is highly likely they are fertile. I'm just wondering about the timing - she seems to be off the eggs alot and then the first 2 she laid she really didn't sit on them much at all - at least during the day.

So fascinating - learning about chickens firsthand!

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