Worm question


10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
Since it is raining I see worms out. Can my chicks that are 3 weeks old have them? If so, do I just stick them in the brooder straight from the ground?
I would just keep them on their regular food. Eartherworms can carry eggs of roundworms. I see my hens getting their fill of the worms first thing every morning, it's hillarious to see them chase after the one with the worm. I guess what I'm saying is it's up to you. They will at some point get an earthworm/bug. Just make sure they have some chick grit to help digest it, but don't let them fill-up on worms.
My chick is just over one week old and i've got him/her out with its mum in a small run.
I got told that providing the little 'un had a small amount of grit mixed in its normal chick crumb it could be given small treats like finely chopped salads and whatnot..

i hope this is the case.. she's been eating anything her mum gives her
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