Worming and Maintanence


13 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Northern Kentucky
Would someone please tell me what the monthly/yearly maintenance schedule is that they do for their pea's? Do they require worming, and do you put anything special in their dust baths for mites or bugs?
Also, in starting a "new pen", what is the best thing to use for flooring or ground cover? They are on small stones now. Is their anything better that is easier to take care of and clean? Thanks
I started worming twice a year from recommendations of others here. Once in fall and again in early spring before mating season. I use safeguard liquid wormer for goats. 3 cc per gallon of water for 3 days.
I worm everything here, dogs,cats,birds every 3 months without any ill effects
I worm a couple of times a year or more if I have an outbreak of blackhead or suspect capillary worms. I treat more aggressively than most and do all worming orally with Fenbendazole 50mg/kg once, but sometimes I'll do 30mg/kg 5 days in a row.

If you also have chickens, you should probably get some metronidazole (fish-zole or Flagyl) for treating blackhead in case you need to.


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